Chalkhills: The XTC Resource

Updated: 14 July 2024

Top Headlines

The 3 Clubmen: Aviatrix
April 23, 2023: The 3 Clubmen is Andy Partridge, Jen Olive, and Stu Rowe. The new single Aviatrix drops on June 30, 2023! Streaming everywhere... Antics abound!
Andy Partridge: My Failed Christmas Career Volume 1
September 4, 2022: Mr. Partridge returns with another volume in his continuing demo series. This volume is entitled My Failed Christmas Career - Volume 1, and is now available for pre-order. The EP will be released on 21 October 2022 on CD and 12-inch vinyl. One of the songs was recorded by The Monkees, but this EP includes the original demo version with lead vocals by Holly Partridge.
Andy Partridge: My Failed Songwriting Career Volume 2
February 27, 2022: Volume 2 of My Failed Songwriting Career is now available for pre-order, and will be released on 8 April 2022. These songs were written by Mr. Partridge for other artists, but were not used, and so he has recorded them and released them himself.
Colin Moulding: The Hardest Battle
May 23, 2021: Burning Shed announces Colin Moulding: The Hardest Battle, his first ever solo release (if you disregard the single by "The Colonel", that is). The EP contains two songs and an "exploratory demo". It is characterized as a tantalising glimpse into the creative process of one of the UK's finest songwriters. The EP will be released on 2 July 2021, pre-order now.
More . . .

Other News

January 6
Paul Tornbohm has contributed a transcription of the lyrics to “Things Fall To Bits”.
November 19
Deze albums neemt Harke Jan van der Meulen mee naar een onbewoond eiland”.
More . . .

Recent Site Updates

July 14, 2024: Discography - Return to the Dark Side of the MoonA Tribute to Pink Floyd; Covers - Twinkle Twinkle Little Rock Star: "Senses Working Overtime", Twinkle Twinkle Little Rock Star: "Making Plans for Nigel", Twinkle Twinkle Little Rock Star: "Generals and Majors", Twinkle Twinkle Little Rock Star: "Dear God"

More . . .

Ape House on Twitter: apehouseXTC

Twitter demanded I pay money to continue using their API. As if.
More . . .

Chalkhills is a web resource dedicated to XTC (the now defunct band). Peruse Chalkhills to find a wealth of information about XTC, their music and recordings, and much more.

Chalkhills was created by me, John Relph, and is infrequently updated (I try to have a life) so check back often. Chalkhills was the longest extant XTC mailing list, created in April 1989 as an offshoot of the venerable Love-Hounds list and killed off (in a bizarre kitchen accident, of course) in August 2014. Chalkhills is the longest extant XTC web site, first hacked together in May 1994, although FTP archives were first made available in April 1991.
“Shut your wretched pie trap, you ridiculous prick.”
© John Relph