Reviews: XTC: Fuzzy Warbles (The Demo Archives) | ![]() |
Fuzzy Warbles Vol. One |
Fuzzy Warbles Vol. Two |
Fuzzy Warbles Vol. Three |
Fuzzy Warbles Vol. Four |
Fuzzy Warbles Vol. Five |
Fuzzy Warbles Vol. Six |
Fuzzy Warbles Vol. Seven |
Fuzzy Warbles Vol. Eight |
Fuzzy Warbles Collector's Album |
The Fuzzy Warbles Collection Volumes 1-3 |
The Fuzzy Warbles Collection Volumes 4-6 |
The Fuzzy Warbles Collection Volumes 7-8 and Hinges |
April (June) 2016
REVELATIONSAndy Partridge on his Fuzzy Warbles demos and dream career➤“I should have been an architect,” says Andy Partridge, comparing the detailed demos on his reissued Fuzzy Warbles series to scale models of buildings. “I like to find out as much as possible about a song before it gets near an expensive studio.” As a result, almost none of the demos on Warbles sound like scratchy workings; there are even some gems, such as "Wonder Annual", that Partridge wishes had made it onto XTC albums proper, along with some songs rejected by other artists. “I'm thinking of putting out a series that the insensitive bastards haven't done!” he laughs. “I've got four albums of those ready to go.”
Partridge is also busy painting 50 unique covers for limited editions of his new book, Complicated Game: Inside The Songs Of XTC (“What a dick I was for proposing to paint that many!”), and periodically fighting off offers from producers wanting to put on an XTC jukebox musical. “Come on! Nobody bought our bloody records in England. It'd just be a man and his dog, and lots of calls of ‘You didn't let the dog in for free, did you?’” tom pinnock 8/10ANDY PARTRIDGEThe Fuzzy Warbles Collection 1-3/4-6/7-8 & Hingesape houseThe big repress: XTC demos and more on three Partridge rarity reissues
Though fans have been clamouring for new music from Andy Partridge ever since XTC released their final album, 2000's Wasp Star, so far the only conventional material released under the singer and songwriter's name has been his voluminous 8 CD series of demos, Fuzzy Warbles, now reissued and squeezed into three economical 3CD sets. Though there are lo-fi works-in-progress here — the ‘skiffle’ fragment of “Dear God”, or a grainy acoustic take of “Complicated Game” — and a clutch of (admittedly entertaining) studio goof-offs, most of the cuts are as inspired and well-recorded as those that made it into XTC's official catalogue.
Highlights include 1991's hazy “Wonder Annual”, 1995's “My Land Is Burning”, equipped with a stunning guitar solo, and “Ship Trapped In The Ice”, a jaunty Beatles-esque song enrobed in wonderful polar imagery. The offcuts of a true craftsman.EXTRASFuzzy Warbles 7 and 8 come with the nine-song Hinges (featuring a mighty demo of Mummer's “Beating Of Hearts”), previously only available in 2006's Official Fuzzy Warbles Collector's Album boxset.
tom pinnock
[Thanks to Francisco Javier Tenas and Roberto Serrano Bazán]
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Mardi 19 décembre 2006 |
© Le | [Thanks to Thierry Samzun] | Index |
The Philadelphia Inquirer
Posted on Thu, Dec. 14,
Daily Magazine
CD sets that will rate with music lovers
From the Clash to Mozart, we've rated the big, multidisc sets that music-lovers could put in their players this season.
By Dan DeLuca
Inquirer Music CriticThis year's boxed-set selection is heavy with the Great Man theory of pop. Besides monuments to giants such as Frank Sinatra, Fats Waller and Waylon Jennings, there are oversize omnibuses dedicated to the Doors and Robert Plant, Buddy Guy and the Byrds.
And all worthy gifts don't come in coffin-shaped boxes. U2 and Mary J. Blige have single-CD hits collections out, and there are a slew of one-disc reissues that make jolly stocking stuffers, too. Like the brilliant '60s collection Tropicalia: A Brazilian Revolution in Sound, for the world-music adventurer, or any of the revelatory Eccentric Soul releases on the foolproof Numero label, which specializes in uncovering old soul treasures aimed at funk fans for whom the What It Is box is not enough. Here, then, are some of the season's best:
. . .
Andy Partridge, Fuzzy Warbles Collector's Album (Ape ***). XTC head man Andy Partridge has a well-earned rep as a studio shut-in. With this box the melodic Englishman cleans out his closet with nine, count 'em, nine CDs' worth of layered, Beatlesque, harmony-happy pop tunes. (9 CDs, $80)
Music box sets for the holidays
Newsday Staff WriterDecember 7, 2006
As music sheds more of its packaging and consumers continue the switch to downloading, the boxed set seems increasingly more unusual. But that hasn't stopped record companies from filling their boxed set releases with enough extras to draw in even the most technologically advanced fan. Here are some of the season's best:
He's Xtatic
FUZZY WARBLES COLLECTOR'S ALBUM. XTC frontman Andy Partridge offers an intriguing window into his creative process. Nine CDs, Ape, $79.98.
Andy Partridge's "Fuzzy Warbles" series is simply fascinating - not only because it shows the evolution of some of XTC's most famous songs from home studio to full-blown Britpop craftiness, but because it also provides an unflinching look at the punch-drunk (or just plain drunk) world of the recording studio and the creative process. This set is packed with demo versions, alternate takes and B-sides, but the surprises generally come when Partridge lets the recorder roll while life happens - such as when he is working on "Mayor of Simpleton" and someone calls from R.E.M. and he is convinced they wanted him to produce their next album (they didn't) or when he reworks a song into the style of the Cure and follows it with the way the Smiths would approach it.
Copyright Newsday Inc.
Music ::Music gifts: Naughty or nice?November 26, 2006Another Thanksgiving has passed, and once again the dreaded Christmas shopping season is upon us. But fear not: The task is easy -- at least when there are music lovers on Santa's list.
Since the advent of CDs, every holiday season has been marked by a slew of releases of elaborate (and expensive) box sets. Granted, after more than a decade of the major labels gleefully plundering their vaults for the benefit of our wish lists and their bottom lines, the flow has slowed considerably. But there are still several new boxes worthy of consideration this year, and despite their increasing popularity of digital downloading, you just can't wrap an MP3 file and put in under the Christmas tree.
POPAndy Partridge, "The Fuzzy Warbles Collectors Album" (Ape)
Critic's rating:![]()
XTC founding singer Andy Partridge kept his tape machines whirring throughout the band's 30-year career, and his garden shed filled with thousands of songs, all of them melodic, Beatlesque and ripping good. Really, all of them. It's astonishing how many of these demos and toss-offs are good enough to be singles -- right now. But, like most such boxed collections of castaways and rarities, only die-hard fans will bear the patience to slog through all nine discs. When you do: Don't miss "That Wag," a reel from the studio in which Partridge & Co. was trying to lay down "That Wave" (from 1992's "Nonsuch") but Andy couldn't stop joking, doing impressions and generally hamming it up. And you boomers who keep buying all that repackaged Beatles: If you feel like moving on to something new but familiar, this is the place to start.
Thomas Conner
© Copyright 2007 Sun-Times News Group
Music ::Boxing dayTHE SUN-TIMES ANNUAL BOX SET ROUNDUPNovember 26, 2006Andy Partridge has a plea for all music fans: Please listen to less music."Music is powerful and strong, like chocolate cake. The first job I ever had was on Saturdays in a sweets shop. After a while, you know, you didn't want to go near sweets. Downloading and iPods -- it's facilitating our overindulgence on musical treats. We need a diet. Ration yourself. Turn off that radio. Be more selective about what you hear, have more self-control. Make it a special occasion to break out that old record. Eat less chocolate cake, damn it!"
And he has a good point -- until you realize this is a man who just released a nine-disc box set of the scraps from his cutting-room floor. Less music? Musician, reel thyself in.
"The Fuzzy Warbles Collectors Album" collects all eight volumes (plus a bonus disc) of the individually released "Fuzzy Warbles" series, featuring more than 100 demos, rarities and outtakes from Partridge -- all fodder and fuel for his career leading New Wave's answer to the Beatles, the acclaimed pop band XTC.
For three decades now, Partridge has been holed up in the garden shed behind his house in Swindon, England, cranking out one killer melody after another. Many of them became XTC albums; a lot of them wound up on tapes in a shoebox.
"Nobody beyond the band, the producer and a couple of people at the record company were ever supposed to hear any of this," Partridge says. But all it takes is a few hours in the hands of said producer or record-company flack, and tapes can find themselves duplicated right into the hands of rabid fans, of which XTC has plenty. So like several artists before him (Frank Zappa, Bob Dylan, on and on), Partridge set out to beat the bootleggers and release the music himself.
There, he hit on one reason artists with large enough catalogs inevitably find themselves combing through their closets to assemble "special" and "rare" material for these annual retail events. During our conversation, Partridge discussed other reasons for building the great Boxed Set:
1. Beat the bootleggersIt's not just about making sure the money goes to the artist instead of some pasty-faced pirate with a closet full of digital music copiers. It's also about presenting the music as well as possible."Demos are demos, you know. They're a sketch. They don't sound great for a reason," Partridge says. "I started collecting all this together because I thought, if there's a need for this stuff, I can do it so much better than [the bootleggers] can. I can remix and clean up stuff, make it sound like a real record. It wasn't even really about taking my profits back; I thought, 'Well, if it's out there and has my name on it, can it at least sound good?' "
2. Correct democracyIn most bands, democratic votes often relegate good songs to the shoebox -- sometimes over genuine artistic differences, but just as often as power plays by prickly or offended bandmates."I tried to run the band democratically," Partridge says, "but if I say I'm running the band then I guess it wasn't very democratic, was it? You'd write a whole bunch of material, and everyone would come back with their list of favorites and a list of the ones they didn't like. Sometimes favorite songs of yours nobody would pick, or the other way around: a song you weren't particularly proud of was suddenly the single. I really wish we'd done 'Wonder Annual," for instance, or 'Ship Trapped in the Ice.' And the amount of people who've come up to me and ask why the band didn't pick 'I Don't Want to Be Here' boggles the brain. Likewise, I thought 'Sgt. Rock' was the weakest track on 'Black Sea' [the 1982 record that broke the band in America], and it was our single. Argh!"
3. Clear your headAfter compiling album tracks and still more demos and rarities for XTC's "Coat of Many Cupboards" box set a few years ago -- which, Partridge says, "we had to do for Virgin to release us from our slave-labor record contract" -- and now this exhaustive set, Partridge says he's got the past behind him. "There can't be much more XTC to put out there," he says. "It's all done."Perhaps literally. Partridge says his XTC writing partner Colin Moulding "has stopped writing, and I don't even know where he lives right now." But Partridge's next recorded project is a two-CD recording of improvised music ("Monstrance," due in January) he did with an early XTC cast-off, original organist Barry Andrews.
© Copyright 2006 Sun-Times News Group
[Thanks to Don Leibold]
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Oktober 2006PARTRIDGE, ANDY - Fuzzy Warbles Collection
Vorige maand verschenen de delen 7 en 8 uit de serie Fuzzy Warbles platen van voormalig XTC-lid Andy Partridge. Platen die ophielden waar XTC ooit eindigde en waarop geniale popsongs werden afgewisseld met wat experimenteler werk. Platen waarmee Andy Partridge bewees niet onder te doen voor grootheden als Paul McCartney, Brian Wilson en Captain Beefheart. Acht bij vlagen geniale platen die eigenlijk iedereen in de kast moet hebben, al is het in dit geval niet zo gek als je ze nog niet hebt staan. De Fuzzy Warbles Collector's Box Set bevat immers alle acht delen uit deze serie. Prachtig verpakt, voorzien van een mooi boekwerk, voor nog geen tientje per cd en je krijgt er ook nog eens de uitstekende bonus-cd Hinges bij; een cd met huisvlijt die de liefhebber ook absoluut in huis wil hebben. XTC is onbetwist één van de beste bands aller tijden, maar ook de solocarrière van Andy Partridge mag er inmiddels zijn. Zo heeft Paul McCartney ze helaas al heel lang niet meer gemaakt. Een prachtig document.
September 2006PARTRIDGE, ANDY - Fuzzy Warbles Vol. 7 / Fuzzy Warbles Vol. 8
XTC behoort wat mij betreft tot de beste bands aller tijden. Een band die minstens acht (!) klassiekers op haar naam heeft staan. Platen die talloze bands hebben beïnvloedt en die eigenlijk iedereen in de kast moet hebben staan. Andy Partridge, soms de Lennon en soms de McCartney van de band, heeft sinds het uiteenvallen van XTC niet stil gezeten en schotelt ons nu al weer de delen 7 en 8 van de Fuzzy Warbles serie voor. Cd's die vol staan met nagenoeg perfecte popliedjes. De ene keer wat beter uitgewerkt dan de andere keer, maar bijzonder zijn ze stuk voor stuk. Songs die in vrijwel alle gevallen ook op de cd's van XTC niet hadden misstaan. Iedereen die deze platen kent, weet wat dat zegt. Twee dozen handgemaakte bonbons, de een nog lekkerder dan de ander. En je mag er zoveel van snoepen als je maar wilt.
October 9, 2006
Andy Partridge
Fuzzy Warbles Collectors Album (box set)
Notoriously stage-shy living legend dumps his genius across 9 CDs. . .Despite their massive critical and commercial acclaim, XTC were always industry recluses. Not having played a gig since 1982 (in no small part due to Partridge's crippling stage fright) the band were instead both dazzling in creativity, not to mention prolific in the studio - as individuals, and as a group.
The fruits of this massive archive have already resulted in a comprehensive XTC box set (Coat of Many Cupboards) and demo versions of their two-volume Wasp Star albums.
But taking it 39 steps further, Andy's home recordings and demos are crammed over 9 volumes - 8 of which had already been released, presented here in box set form with a bonus disc. . . Totalling a mammoth 159 tracks.
Partridge is arguably one of Britain's finest songwriters - versatile beyond belief, as he leaps between 60s psychedilia, guitar pop, and loud shouty new-wave art-rock.
The XTC demos are often fascinating insights into how the tracks could have been live, or under a different producer - “Train Running Low On Soul-Coal” takes on a whole new form without the Linn Drums - and “Great Fire” is very indearing with its fire-bell percussion - obviously a spoon being banged against a glass.
Many of the more unfamiliar tracks were “also rans” from XTC albums - but very few of them couldn't have made the cut. Partridge doesn't have the ability to write a bad song. Don't be fooled into thinking, however, that because they are demos, they're all acoustic. Sure, some are, but there's also some massively complicated arrangements here - drum machines, harmonicas, strings and even samples.
On a few occasions, he's also left in some examples where he's clearly been larking about and depending on your point of view, they either detract from the music, or serve to joyously crack the enigma.
If it was anyone but Andy Partridge doing this, I'd be flabbergasted at the arrogance. To release an your entire catalogue in such detail is somewhat akin to releasing your diary and expecting it to crack the New York Times Bestseller list. But it is Andy Partridge - and so for anyone who likes pop music, this is just the backbone of a perfect record collection. Just genius. . .
By Chris Merriman
This release was published on 09 Oct 2006.
Copyright ©
Groovy Music
Andy Partridge - 'Fuzzy Warbles volumes 3 and 4'
These two volumes follow on from the first two (you could have worked that out on your own) and really suffer from the same problems... that being the contents are cast-offs that Partridge never deemed good enough to go onto XTC albums (or are experiments). That said, there's still some worthwhile inclusions, such as the ultra-cheerful 'My Train Is Coming', 'When We Get To England' and 'Lightheaded' from volume 3, and 'Bumpercars' and 'The Art Song' from volume 4. Yes, there's more stuff that only warrants one play, but there's also some interesting demo versions of some XTC and Dukes of Stratosphear classics - some work well ('Season Cycle' and 'Little Lighthouse'), but some (most notably 'Great Fire') aren't a patch on the real versions. XTC fans will be intrigued that 'Goodbye Humanosaurus' never made it onto an XTC album, but part of its melody made it into 'Then She Appeared' from the 'Nonsuch' album. And then there's the plain bizarre - 'You Like Me' can only be described as a dance mix of oriental music (about as far away as you can get from XTC's typical middle-England sound). Volume 3 includes a version of 'Strawberry Fields Forever' recorded with former band-mate Dave Gregory whose hobby, the sleeve notes tell us, is recreating classic songs down to the last minute identical detail. And part from Partridge's vocals instead of Lennon's, it is nearly identical. Ironically, Partridge sounds more like Lennon on 'Collideascope', a Dukes of Stratosphear song that I always assumed was meant to sound like Lennon in the mid-70's. All-in-all a must for existing XTC fans, but hardly likely to win any new fans.
© Darren Adams, 2004 ... not that anyone would take any notice
~Revisiting 2003 On Wings Of Song~
"...So I Say Thank You For The Music..."
Magical Musical Moments from 2003Runner-Up
Fuzzy Warbles_Andy Partridge
I just remembered I bought this on my birthday, so I decided to throw it in here as well, even if it was a bit of a waste of money. Unreleased songs, demos and outtakes from XTC (only Andy, though: Colin had better things to do), the World's Greatest Living Englishmen. The first of a planned series of roughly 278, I've listened to this a couple of times. If you're one of the mostly fanatic diciples belonging to the cult of these spectacular popsmiths from Swindon, you'll own this already. One of my New Year's Resolutions is to listen to this more. And maybe buy one of the other discs in the series. (Andy's pretty skint, you know.)
del Rock
Rock > Recensioni
Andy Partridge - Fuzzy Warbles #3/Fuzzy Warbles #4
Abbiamo sognato per anni, noi malati di XTC, che Andy Partridge aprisse i suoi archivi e a ogni stella cadente abbiamo legato il desiderio di uno di quei demos. Dev'essere caduto il cielo. Da quando è libero dai ceppi Virgin, il signor Andy non fa che inondarci di quel materiale nelle più diverse forme.
Si può fermare la piena, si può invocare, come dicono a Milano, «parola torna indietro»? Non si può. Così ecco, nello splendore di due cd ricchi di note & testi & spiritosaggini very Andy P., ecco i volumi 3 e 4 della rinomata serie Fuzzy Warbles che (in dieci tomi, se non sbaglio), dovrebbe divulgare tutto ma proprio tutto l'archivio segreto del nostro beneamato. Tutto: anche alcuni microbici jingles per un dj swindoniano, anche scherzi improbabili sulla logora pelle di un 78 giri gracchiante, anche laboriosi pasticci su una cassetta di musica africana fino a che non entra la signora Partridge e cinguetta: «cosa ti va di fare stasera, caro?» (è tutto assolutamente vero: volume 3, traccia 8).
Be', era questo che volevamo e adesso teniamocelo. Un grato pensiero comunque a Colin Moulding, che ha avvisato il socio di non contare su di lui e di non spendere quindi la sigla XTC. Il signor P non ha fatto una piega e si è limitato ad attingere ai suoi capaci depositi, con minimi aiuti esterni: c'è una versione alternata di Helicopter con Moulding e Terry Chambers, marzo 1979, e una (pregevole) copia nota-per-nota di Strawberry Fields Forever tutta suonata da Dave Gregory ma cantata dal nostro incontenibile.
Gli oggetti sono carini e ben curati, si sarà capito che il problema è il troppo, oltre ogni pazienza e amore e smania filologica. Trentotto canzoni e, siatene certi, nessuna perdita significativa non dico per la storia del rock ma neanche per la storia XTC. Al massimo divertenti variazioni a temi noti, come una Train Running Low On Soul Coal che manda fischi e rumori come una locomotiva infernale o una dolce Season Cycle con l'aiuto di un amico «pensionato psichedelico», Dave Morgan; e qualche boutade rimasta a mezz'aria come una This Is The End tagliata via da Oranges & Lemons (peccato, era una buona idea) o una demenziale Put It On Again a cappella che ripete: «mettetelo su, mettetelo su ancora il disco che state suonando. Mettetelo su ancora. Perché non lo lasciate sul piatto tutto il giorno?»
Eh no, su, non scherziamo!
Uno sguardo negli archivi del signor P.
Fuzzy Warbles #1"/ "Fuzzy Warbles #2 (Ape House)
Gli inizi del simpatico delirio di cui stiamo parlando.
(riccardo bertoncelli)
Le Temps
Samedi 23 août 2003
Samedi Culturel
Fuzzy Warbles, vol. 1-4
De: Andy Partridge
Distributeur: import
APE CD 001-004Nicolas Julliard, Samedi 23 août 2003
«Fuzzy Warbles», le laboratoire pop de XTC
En publiant ses enregistrements privés, Andy Partridge dévoile les coulisses du plus délicieusement fantaisiste des duos pop. Il est des jardins secrets qu'un esprit fantasque aménage pour son seul plaisir en parc d'attractions. Celui d'Andy Partridge, par exemple, dont les pistes labyrinthiques allient aux enchantements lexicaux d'un Lewis Carroll l'inventivité mélodique des Beatles. Moitié la plus prolifique du duo XTC, l'Anglais a longtemps bridé son inspiration galopante, soumettant au vote de son complice Colin Moulding l'élection des titres destinés aux albums de son groupe.
Conspiration de talents indépendants plus qu'oeuvre à quatre mains, XTC n'existe en effet que par la mise en commun de chansons intégralement composées et préenregistrées dans les studios respectifs de ses deux créateurs solitaires. A Swindon, petite ville du sud de l'Angleterre, personne ne s'aventure plus à déranger ces ermites-là. D'ailleurs, depuis que XTC a renoncé, très tôt au début des années 80, à se produire en concert, leurs fans se sont faits à l'idée d'accueillir les publications de la paire comme autant de cartes postales adressées d'une lointaine et inaccessible orbite.
Privé de disques pendant la majeure partie des années 90 pour cause de rupture de contrat, XTC se rattrape aujourd'hui en inondant le marché de parutions complémentaires, où le meilleur le dispute à l'anecdotique. Après la publication de deux somptueux albums de XTC et de leurs travaux préparatoires (Apple Venus, vol. 1 & 2), Andy Partridge s'est lancé depuis peu dans un archivage de plus grande envergure: publier à compte d'auteur sur son nouveau label Ape l'essentiel de ses «refusés». Collection titanesque d'inédits domestiques dont les quatre premiers volumes (sur une dizaine, prétend-on) dévoilent l'imaginaire obsessionnel d'un surdoué de la mélodie doublé d'un artisan maniaque du son enregistré.
Regroupés sous le titre générique de Fuzzy Warbles (ou «chansons floues»), ces minutieux jeux de construction pop papillonnent du plus récent au plus ancien et du plus remarquable au plus faible sans grand souci de cohérence. Là n'est d'ailleurs pas le propos, et les photographies ingrates de l'auteur enfant ou adolescent se chargent de nous le faire savoir en ouverture de livret: autoportrait sans complaisance de l'artiste au travail, Fuzzy Warbles renferme autant d'intuitions géniales que de fausses pistes, autant de trésors délectables que de dispensables blagues de potache.
Un seul exemple extrait du premier volume, dévoilant les séances d'enregistrement chaotiques du titre de XTC «That Wave», donne le ton de l'opération: monopolisant le micro, Andy Partridge se lance dans des imitations hilarantes des Cure, des Smiths et de Bob Dylan, entrecoupées de borborygmes de cartoon. Roi de la contrefaçon, l'Anglais, dont un site Internet ( compare le physique à celui du terroriste Carlos, incarne dans tous ses excès l'esprit pop originel, surréaliste, savant et délicieusement futile à la fois.
Dans les généreuses notes de pochette de la série apparaissent ainsi, au détour d'un bon mot, les références d'un créateur possédant sur le bout des cordes ses classiques: avec la caution historique de Tyrannosaurus Rex, Captain Beefheart ou des Beatles, Andy Partridge laisse libre cours sur Fuzzy Warbles à sa verve mélodique indocile. Pour qui ne goûte guère à l'humour en musique, une écoute prolongée de ces archives fantasques peut se révéler pénible. Ce serait cependant passer à côté de quelques-unes des plus singulières créations de l'histoire de la pop. Alliant à l'esprit butineur des Beatles une connaissance approfondie du jazz et de la comédie musicale, Andy Partridge sait comme personne entraîner la mélodie dans des précipités harmoniques à la complexité déroutante.
Et tandis que les titres sélectionnés pour figurer sur les albums de XTC l'ont souvent été sur la base de leur intelligibilité, Fuzzy Warbles donne à entendre le versant le plus résolument baroque d'un imaginaire musical épris de bizarreries sonores. Où le disco chinois le dispute au blues, le psychédélisme façon Syd Barrett au sérialisme et la musique de films d'animation (projet refusé pour James & The Giant Peach) aux transes maliennes. Seul en son jardin extraordinaire, Andy Partridge s'est constitué en vingt-cinq ans un manège insensé dont la descendance innombrable constitue désormais le plus précieux des legs musicaux.
[Thanks to Marie Omnibus]
think small
4 augustus 2003
toevoegingen9 augustus
Andy Partridge - Fuzzy Warbles 3 & 4
Andy Partridge - Fuzzy Warbles 3 & 4 (2 CD's, Ape House / Virgin)
Andy Partridge is sinds jaar en dag (1976 om precies te zijn) frontman van XTC, een van mijn favoriete bands uit de punk periode. Na al veel demo-materiaal te hebben uitgebracht onder de XTC-vlag, besloot Andy om een eigen label te beginnen om nog meer nummers uit de oude doos uit te brengen. Dat werd Ape House waarop hij vorig jaar de eerste twee Fuzzy Warble's op uitbracht. Nu kan ik kort en bondig zijn, want als je al geen fan bent van de typische Engelse pop van XTC dan zal je niks hebben aan deze bespreking. Ben jij iemand die XTC (en pop met een sixties sausje) waardeert, dan zijn deze twee CD's een leuke aanwinst.
Stephan Schipper
4 augustus 2003
© think small
a puta da subjectividade
July 2003
Andy Partridge - Fuzzy Warbles Vols. 1 & 2
Ape / 2002Na página oficial dos XTC a palavra de ordem é faça um piquenique e leve estes fuzzy warbles consigo. Haverá slogan mais eficaz para levar as massas ao rubro e atingir vendas astronómicas? Ou para conquistar os louvores das exigentes vanguardas? Citar Stanley Kubrick e a sua Laranja Mecânica é mesmo a melhor estratégia de marketing? E, no entanto, o que apetece fazer aos primeiros acordes de "Dame Fortune" é mesmo atulhar a lancheira de petiscos deliciosos e o leitor de CDs com os dois álbuns de Andy Partridge e pedalar alegremente por esses campos fora, numa manhã de Verão, debaixo de um céu azul e de um sol risonho, até à sombra convidativa da árvore mais frondosa plantada à beira do caminho. Convidem-se os bichinhos e repartam-se sons e banquete por todos. Trompetes angélicos e trombones diabólicos: um regabofe!
Partridge é Deus Nosso Senhor no mundo da música pop. Os cínicos bem podem rir entre dentes e rosnar os nomes de McCartney, Wilson ou Davies mas, - e há que o dizer com toda a frontalidade - apesar de se ter revelado um aprendiz de talento e inteligência inesgotáveis, há já muitos álbuns que Andy Partridge provou que não tem contas a prestar a ninguém. Em certa medida, ultrapassou-os a todos: McCartney há mais de 30 anos que não assina um disco genial, Wilson brilhou e extinguiu-se no fugaz espaço de tempo que uma cabeça de fósforo demora a arder e Davies... err.. por onde anda Ray Davies?
O feito é ainda mais impressionante se pensarmos que, nos últimos 5 anos, ao serviço dos XTC (com Colin Moulding) ou a solo, entre originais, gravações caseiras e raridades, Partridge editou nada mais de 14 CDs. Para qualquer outro artista esta abundância seria sinónimo de saturação e repetição mas em Partridge pressente-se a auréola que distingue os artistas extraordinários que acertam uma vez ou outra na obra maior, do génio que navega permanentemente numa efervescência criativa.
Os volumes 1 e 2 Fuzzy Warbles, editados no fim do ano passado, em roupagens artesanais ou mais sofisticadas, são um colorido desfile de canções dos XTC (e do alter-ego psicadélico da banda nos anos 80, os revivalistas Dukes of Stratosphere) que, apesar de conhecermos de outras paragens e de as termos cantado vezes sem conta, não deixam de surpreender pelo arranjo inovador, ou pela interpretação original ou simplesmente devido à paródia pegada de Partridge e companhia: oiçam "That Wave" cantada por Robert Smith, Morrisey e Bob Dylan - hilariante! O equivalente musical àquelas caixinhas de bombons de chocolate de todas as formas e feitios que miramos gulosamente sem conseguirmos decidir qual o mais apetitoso. Ou a uma vitrine de 37 sabores de gelado diferentes que nos deixam desesperados por um cone de baunilha do tamanho de um sinalizador rodoviário.
Neste caso, e uma vez que os podemos saborear a todos, não há nada como escolher os sabores do dia. E hoje podia ser a melodia caleidoscópica de "Miniature Sun", o gosto agridoce de "Everything", os paladares orientais de "25 O'Clock" e a estupenda versão de "Summer's Cauldron" com uma torrente de ritmos sincopados e harmonias vocais. Mas amanhã podemos optar pelo poético "I Bought Myself a Liarbird" (He came with free drinks just to blur / The lies falling out like rain / On an average english summer's afternoon), mais as travessuras de "Goosey Goosey", o piano gelado de "Ship Trapped In The Ice" e a fanfarra belicosa de "Obscene Procession": uma parábola polvilhada por um orgão sombrio.
Há de tudo e a variedade é enorme. E se escutarem com atenção ouvirão o alegre karaoke das formigas, cigarras e abelhas, das lebres do campo e do rebanho de ovelhas mais próximo e demais bicharada convidada para a ocasião. Depois da sesta merecida, onde fantasia e realidade se banham na luz incandescente do sol a pino, no regresso a casa resta assobiar pelo caminho esta música pastoral com aquela satisfação interior que só os dias perfeitos nos trazem. Esta é a banda sonora.
The Power of Pop
Latest reviews: 22 July 2003
ANDY PARTRIDGE Fuzzy Warbles Volumes 3 & 4 (APE)
To an XTC fan, what is the next best thing to a new XTC album? Well, how about the latest instalment of Andy Partridge's demo archive series, Fuzzy Warbles? Yes sir, that'll do nicely!
Volumes 3 & 4 continues in the same vein as their predecessors, featuring previously unheard demos not recorded by XTC, nascent versions of familiar XTC songs or instrumental doodling meant purely for it's creator's amusement (until now, that is).
Let's get right to it shall we?
Volume 3 opens with the righteously retro "My Train Is Coming" rejected previously from both the Buster and That Thing You Do films - their loss; "Lightheaded" is a sweet tune containing such choice lines as "We're all little lightbulbs like the ones inside God's head, popping with the choice of paths to take;" "Goodbye Humanosaurus," if you can ignore all the deliberately contrived rhymes and the melodic fragment from "There She Appeared" is a sprightly gem; the "Humble Daisy" possesses a disarming charm that amazingly surpasses the original off Nonsuch; Partridge describes "You Like Me" as "disco music from 1920's Shanghai" - nuff said, I think; the inclusion of the "Great Fire" demo is mystifying as it is rather poor; "Work" is a funky exercise; the "Collideascope" demo finds Partridge putting on his best Lennonesque larynx; "When We Get To England" is a lovely pastoral piece; the demos of "Train Running Low on Soul Coal" and "Holly Up On Poppy" are interesting within their own contexts (i.e. curiosities); the note-for-note cover of "Strawberry Fields Forever" is phenomenal when you understand that the backing track was home recorded by Dave Gregory; "Autumn Comes Around" like "When We get To England" was written for "Skylarking" and it is a shame that the pair was never fully developed in the studio; "Child's Crusade" is all rhythm guitar & percussion; the "Little Lighthouse" demo contains wondrous fuzzy guitar work that never quite survived the studio process; "This Is the End" was intended as the closer for Oranges & Lemons and whilst it is a great anthem, can't hold a candle to the track that did finish the album, the magnificent "Chalkhills and Children" and the acapella "Put It On Again" would bring a smile to Brian Wilson's face, not only for its vocal arrangement but for its humour.
In the same vein, "Tunes" opens Volume 4; the punchy "Bumpercars" continues Partridge's analogy of life as a funfair; the Kinksian "The Art Song" celebrates um art; the rather throwaway "I'm Playing My Fano" sounds like a poor man's King Crimson; "Zonked Right Out On Life" is just irritating rap; the McCartneyesque ballad "All I Dream Of Is A Friend" yet another which never quite made it for James and the Giant Peach - what a soundtrack that would have been; the noodly "Peck the Ground Like a Chicken" never quite knows where it's going; the lusty "That's Really Super Supergirl" demo turns out to be the superior version (what was Todd thinking with the keyboard overkill) especially with the harmonica fills; not so with the "Brainiac's Daughter" demo which is best forgotten; the intricate "Blue Beret" is yet another case of a fine song that deserved better; the noisy "Gangway, Electric Guitar is Coming Through" contains a memorable riff; the electro instrumental "Mechanical Planet" (with Dave Gregory) doesn't really go anywhere; the vibrant "Helicopter" is vintage XTC in a 1979 session; the "The Ugly Underneath" demo doesn't add much to your enjoyment of the awesone original; the jaunty "Where Is Your Heart" is a pleasing romp through Partridge's skewered vision of love; the "Season Cycle" demo has a freewheeling psychedelic quality and the seasonal "Countdown to Christmas Partytime" is best never mentioned ever again.
Four albums on and Partridge hasn't even come near to scraping the barrel! An amazing feat. Roll on volumes 5 and 6!!! A
(C) 2003 Kevin M Mathews
[Thanks to Kevin Mathews]
tcj, Jul 17, 03 | 12:11 am | File
under: Music
Andy Partridge - Fuzzy Warbles So you like XTC, right? So why don't you own all four volumes (so far) of Andy Partridge's Fuzzy Warbles?
What are Fuzzy Warbles? Maybe a bit of explanation would convince you? Okay - Fuzzy Warbles is Andy's intensive attempt to provide the XTC-devotees with legitimate, high-quality versions of the much-bootlegged XTC demos they've traded and unfortunately paid for over the years. Free of the reigns of a major label, Andy has decided to unleash what will eventually be 12 discs of demos recovered from the Partridge/XTC closets. It's unfortunate that bassist and fellow vocalist Colin Moulding opted out of including his demos, but according to him, his demos are much more rough than Andy's polished, near-release quality demos. It's unfortunate because Colin's contribution to the group is generally underappreciated, and over the years I've also come to realize that he is a fantastic bassist who injects XTC songs with not only expressive and thoughtful basslines, but also humorous ones, too.
For the XTC fanatic, these volumes are a necessity. Besides being a glimpse into the creative process behind one of the most intelligent pop groups of all time, these demos allow the listener to hear the songs in their most primal state, before producers and the band spit-shined the compositions and recordings to the glossy pop sheen we all appreciate. In some cases, it's just a chance to hear a bit more of the band's unique and subversive humor at play. Take "That Wag," from Volume 1, for example. Instead of hearing a straight-reading of "That Wave," a Nonsuch tune, listeners are rewarded with a series of humorous takes in the studio where Andy indulged everyone present with his impressions of Bob Dylan and others taking a stab at "That Wave." For itchy fans, the demo for the real song follows, with a scorching guitar solo (which I would presume is ex-XTC bandmate Dave Gregory, but he is credited only with guitar on the joke-demo preceeding.) Of tempting interest to XTC fans are the inclusion of Andy's offerings to the James And The Giant Peach soundtrack, which were subsequently, and mysteriously, rejected.
In between are dozens of different takes on XTC classics both known and unknown - and even a few Dukes Of Stratosphear. As demos go, there are a few questionable additions, such as the "avant-garde" experimentations in the form of the "MOGO" alternates, of which there are apparently many, and are probably the least entertaining parts of each disc. For the most part, however, the demos offer as much entertainment and hold your interest as well as any studio album the band has put out, and function as a much more interesting collection than last year's four-disc A Coat Of Many Cupboards boxset, which mixed some demos with studio tracks. After hearing some of the unreleased song, in many cases you, like I, will be shaking your head wondering why these gems never saw the light of day until now.
Andy will even sign each copy sold from his site. If that doesn't convince you, I don't know what will.
© 2001-2003 Tom Johnson.
L'Eco di Bergamo
venerdì 28 febbraio
Chi conosce gli irraggiungibili XTC sa bene quanto Andy Partridge sia geniale nel manipolare il pop britannico di scuola beatlesiana. Sa anche che l'occhialuto musicista inglese è l'unico vero erede di una tradizione pop elegante e dolce, elaborata e acidula, in senso strettamente psichedelico. Nei due volumi di «Fuzzy warbles» il nostro ha raccolto a piacere ritagli di vario genere, non necessariamente canzoni. Il tutto però serve a capire il mondo di questo musicista che possiamo senz'altro annoverare tra i più incompresi degli ultimi trent'anni. Sì, perché a fronte della sua genialità come compositore e band leader, Partridge non ha mai raccolto il successo che meritava. E sul fatto che meritasse, queste «antologie» la dicono lunga.
Plan 9 Music
February 2003
REVIEW Andy Partridge: Vol. 2- Fuzzy Warbles Review by: Sam Byrd
Andy Partridge, the guitarist half of XTC, is one of the most gifted and creative post-Beatle/Brian Wilson pop/rock composers. He's also one of the most prolific, a fact not reflected by the relatively scant output of XTC albums --he's known for having scads more songs in demo form than ever make it to the studio, much less to finished product. Some of the demos have been officially released, sprinkled here and there on single B-sides, bonus cuts, and compilations. Many more have been bootlegged. Now, with FUZZY WARBLES, he's embarked on a projected multi-volume series of officially-released demos. These first two volumes are a mix of (mostly) home recordings: early working versions of songs later appearing on XTC recordings, songs commissioned for various reasons, still others unreleased in any official form.
That the overwhelming majority of this previously unissued material, from all periods of XTC's career, is of very high quality confirms just how brilliant Partridge is. The weakest songs here, in fact, are the demos of songs later released on album, not because they're weaker songs, but because they're so close to the official version that they're redundant. This is especially true for the later material, where with the advances in home recording technology Partridge has been able to lay down multiple tracks, playing all the instruments and doing all the vocals himself, in versions very close to their final form. These are of interest to hardcore XTC completists only (unless you're unfamiliar with the song, in which case across the board I'd refer you to the CD it ended up on). No, the true gold on these discs is to be found in the unissued material. Here, the polished quality of these working versions is so high that they basically sound finished already (although one can only imagine how nice they'd sound with the excellent bass playing and vocal harmonies of bandmate Colin Moulding).
More than any of his predecessors or models, Partridge evokes the spirit of WHITE ALBUM-era Paul McCartney. At times Andy sounds more like Paul than Paul does. Partridge's songs have certainly evolved to the point where they're clearly superior to anything Sir P.'s done in the last 20 years. Sometimes, though, Partridge is too clever for his own good -- just like Paul needs his John, Andy needs his Colin. That's a large reason why one of the best songs on either of these discs is "I Don't Want to Be Here" (from Vol. 2); it's the only track on which Colin plays bass and sings. Ex-XTC guitarist Dave Gregory pops up on a few tracks, as does original XTC drummer Terry Chambers, on an old demo. But for the most part it's all Andy. The songs are all over the map stylistically and chronologically, but both discs flow smoothly from one pop gem to another. Highlights on Vol. 1 include "Born Out of Your Mouth" (originally written for Microsoft), "Don't Let Us Bug Ya" (one of five songs written for Disney's film JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH before Andy was dropped for Randy Newman), and an ode to female self-gratification, the remarkable "Wonder Annual." Besides "I Don't," the best songs on Vol. 2 include "Young Marrieds," "It's Snowing Angels," and "Everything'll Be All Right" (another PEACH demo). I'd say start with Vol. 1, and if you're moved, go straight to Vol. 2 without fail. These discs are an excellent start to what promises to be an essential part of the XTC canon.
copyright ©2001 plan9music
February 2003
XTra curricular
Frontman of much-loved - and much bootlegged - eccentric English pop band clears out his compositional closet on the first two CDs of a 10-disc series
Andy Partridge
Partridge: "I guess I've had a mid-life XTC crisis"
BOTH APEFOR EVERY NURTURED and polished Partridge-penned beauty appearing on an XTC record - and after 25 years there are over 100 - there is another that didn't quite make the cut, fully-formed but suffering from arrangement and production malnutrition. Coveted by thousands of XTC-heads, the trading of poor-quality bootlegs is reportedly brisk.
Now, over the course of 10 CDs on his own label, AP has taken it upon himself to release every last ditty he's devised - mainly in his garden shed studio - that might of any interest whatsoever.
In the hands of a less writer, this could be the worst kind of self-regarding, faithful-exploiting turd prodding, but as it's Partridge, it's a feast. As well as the legendary lost songs there are left-field doodles, commercials, jingles, side-projects and demos of XTC faves. Joy not just for the fan but good news also for anyone interested in just how witty, warm and excellently eccentric British pop can be.
Highlights among the 37 tracks appearing on the first two editions are "Don't Let Us Bug Ya" and "Everything'll Be Alright", spirit-lifting songs written for Disney's James And The Giant Peach - a job Partridge eventually lost to Randy Newman. With skill enough to evoke the lost craft of the Shermans or Frank Loesser, a movie commission can't be far off.
Elsewhere, unreleased songs like "Wonder Annual" (a poetic paean to female masturbation) and "Young Marrieds" ("Love and marriage go hand in hand like horse and horseshit") confirm that Partridge's also-rans would be many composer's thoroughbreds.
Those who found the demo releases of Apple Venus Vol 1 and 2 a tad pointless and the Coat Of Many Cupboards demos and obscurities box less interesting that it thought it was may groan at the thought of further Partridge peelings. However, while you'll have to really love him to get off on everything here, his Fuzzy Warbles are often substantial and always entertaining.
[Thanks to Jamie Lowe]
Groovy Music
January 2003
Andy Partridge - 'Fuzzy Warbles volumes 1 & 2'
The best of 20 years-worth of demo tapes from XTC's genius / lunatic front man.
I hate to say this, but if I had to give 'Fuzzy Warbles' marks out of 10, I'd give it 6. Now, before my fellow XTC fans pull together a lynch mob, let me explain why...
There's some absolutely fantastic stuff on 'Fuzzy Warbles' that leaves you thinking "why didn't they record this for one of their studio albums?". There's enough good stuff out of the thirty-seven tracks on the two volumes to create an album to challenge 'Wasp Star' (which you should go buy today). 'I Don't Want To Be Here', 'Everything', 'Ship Trapped In The Ice', 'Summer Hot As This'... the list goes on. There's also some interesting demo versions of some XTC favourites - 'Summer's Cauldron' being of particular note because it's better than the studio version. Even some of the instrumental tracks are great, namely 'Ocean's Daughter' and 'Space Wray'.
Then comes the bad news - some of the 'tracks' are just experimental noises, some are amusing (like the reggae telephone answer message 'No One Here Available'), some are interesting to hear (the late Gus Dudgeon captured Andy on DAT, larking around during the recording of 'Nonsuch'), but don't really warrant a second or third listen.
And the best track? Read on...
Shock horror... Andy provides a narrative for each track, and for one ('Born Out Of Your Mouth') he reveals that Microsoft (gasp) commissioned the writing of a song for a multi-media web site. Of course, I'll forgive him... in the same way that I forgave Billy Corgan for donning a Man Utd shirt when the Smashing Pumpkins did a gig in Manchester. Mind you, Billy (being a resident of Chicago) wasn't to know that there would have been more Man Utd supporters at the London gigs.
MNW Music Network
UKE 50 / 2002
ANDY PARTRIDGE Fuzzy Warbles Vol 1
Ape House er XTC-sjefen Andy Partridges egne etikett, og nå har han fått tilbake rettighetene til mange av sine innspillinger fra Virgin. Her er den første CDen med hele 19 fantastiske spor, mange av dem aldri tidligere utgitt, en flexidisc for at blad som aldri ble noe av, noen låter til "James And the Giant Peach" som Randy Newman endte opp med musikken til, og noen demoversjoner av favorittlåter som f.eks. I Bought Myself A Liarbird, Miniature Sun og Complicated Game. Helt essensielt, veldig morsomt, og fullstendig uunværlig for enhver XTC-fan! Og dette er den første av 10 CDer! Gled dere!
CD: APECD 1 BC: 5038622106829 (CD3B) KOMMUNIKATIONANDY PARTRIDGE Fuzzy Warbles Vol 2
Den andre CDen fra Andy Partridges Virgin-arkiv, 19 låter, småpludring, uutgitte låter, en låt skrevet for Cathy Dennis som hun syntes var for mange ord i, noen skriveoppdrag for Microsoft og Wiltshire Radio, og demoer av klassikere som 25 O'Clock, Chain Of Command og Then She Appeared. Genialt!!
CD: APECD 2 BC: 5038622106928 (CD3B) KOMMUNIKATION
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