Peter Blegvad & Andy Partridge
Orpheus The Lowdown
Ape House
Ape House

Andy Partridge (XTC), Barry Andrews (XTC, Shriekback) and Martyn Barker (Shriekback) holed themselves up in a studio last year, playing spontaneously, resulting in eight hours of recordings pared down to a 90-minute, two-disc set. XTC fans looking for Partridge the crafty popsmith will find, instead, a more ambient player who evokes everything from Robert Fripp soundscapes to Miles Davis' wah-wah-strafed Agharta. Andrews has a blast switching among piano, vintage organs and synths, while Barker alternates between holding things together, contributing to the ambiance and simply laying out. These aren't traditional jams; they're the work of three musicians discovering what kind of textures they can create on the spot, and while more sonic variety could have been in order, frequently the trio succeeds by simply going on a spacey exploration.
Orpheus the Lowdown is built around the incredible voice of Peter Blegvad, the former Art Bears guitarist. It reworks the myth of the title character over a soundscape created by Partridge, yet it doesn't aspire to be a high-minded project. Rather, it's laced with a dry sense of humor, a literate voice and a music spare enough to elevate the words while simultaneously leaving a strong sonic impression. One track features a repeated drum pattern regularly punctuated by the sound of crashing bowling pins. For seven minutes, a looped guitar chord that slowly bangs, creating suspense without getting abrasive. Twenty-odd years ago, college radio used to stop me in my tracks with unprecedented works like this. Let's hope Blegvad and Partridge can warp a new generation.
First printed in June 2007