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In Japan, this song was also known as “” (“Bear Up, Nigel”).
Colin: “Partly biographical, this one. My dad prompted me to write it. He wanted a University future for me and was very overpowering in trying to persuade me to get my haircut and stay on at school. It got to the point where he almost tried to drag me down the barber's shop by my hair. As it happens, the whole thing got decided by my headmaster who expelled me for keeping it long. My dad was a bit cut up, I think. I know the song tells of a slightly different situation but it all boils down to the same thing - parental domination. Looking back, I think he saw playing with ‘Andy Partridge's mob’ as a bad influence on me. I think now he's proud of me, although he would never let on, he's that sort of bloke.”
Andy: “People comment on the rhythm and how inventive it was, but it's just a normal pattern played on the wrong drums. I've got to say I was lividly jealous of [Colin] at that point because he just couldn't put a foot wrong.” Colin: “It's nice to see a song taken into a nation's consciousness. I saw a headline about Nigel Lawson. . .” Andy: “That's it, you're HP sauce at last.”
Andy: “Before you've got time to wipe the green brain jelly from the windscreen, you've swerved into encoresville and Terry's Voodoo Tom Toms light the fuse on a high octane ‘Making Plans for Nigel’.”
Colin: “ ‘Nigel's’ the song that won't go away and I suppose in some circles it's what we'll always be known for. What you've got here is the carpet and egg box version, recorded in the cellar of Swindon Town Hall way back, when I used a push-bike and was a whole lot nicer (apologies Dylan Thomas).
“I'm jealous of the song really, and that it connected with people to such an extent, which in a way I've been unable to do since. Like Kirsty MacColl and her ‘Chip Shop’ song and perhaps Squeeze's ‘Cool For Cats’ I think we're in a similar boat. Well certainly in the UK anyway and then there's tradesmen who call at the house to do jobs for you. They see the paraphernalia of music lying around and a face that they vaguely recognise and then the game begins..... ‘Don't tell me, it's you, ain't it. I know your record... it's... it's...’. A bizarre game of ‘I'll name that tune, but wait for you to tell me what it is’ goes on while water is running through your ceiling. Shit what can I say. I'm immensely proud of it, but damn it.”
Andy: “Colin was turning them out thick and fast at this point, he'd taken to songwriting like a duck to orange sauce. Now this one was definitely a single. A local songer/singwriter Dave James, had set up a tiny four track studio in a basement store room of Swindon Town Hall, which he called Redbrick Studio, and it looked just the place to record our demos. In a cubic cell about 8 feet by 8 feet, and lined with egg boxes, we would record some twenty odd songs or ideas for songs, over the coming months. The only reverb we had was a very twittery Vesta Fire spring to give the sounds a sense of depth. Heard at its jitteriest on my Mr Punch doo doo vocal hook. Finally, I must confess, Devo's upside down drum rhythm for ‘Satisfaction’ was an influence for Terry and myself to concoct this happy voodoo tumble. I really wanted to be a drummer.”
[Thanks to R. Stevie Moore]
We're only making plans for Nigel
We only want what's best for him
We're only making plans for Nigel
Nigel just needs this helping hand
And if young Nigel says he's happy
He must be happy
He must be happy in his work
We're only making plans for Nigel
He has his future in a British steel
We're only making plans for Nigel
Nigel's whole future is as good as sealed
And if young Nigel says he's happy
He must be happy
He must be happy in his work
Nigel is not outspoken
But he likes to speak
And loves to be spoken to
Nigel is happy in his work
We're only making plans for Nigel
© 1979 Virgin Music (Publishers) Ltd.
Guitar & Bass (UK)
May 2005
Generally Major: Colin Moulding Workshop
by Gareth MorganEx. 3
1979 was a good year for XTC: Dave Gregory replaced Andrews, the splendid Drums And Wires was released and Moulding's wonderful Making Plans For Nigel gave the band their biggest hit to date. Legend has it that, upon hearing the references to themselves in not totally glowing terms, British Steel took a poll of all of their employees named Nigel to find out if they were actually happy! We've condensed four bars into two here so doubling the length of time on each chord will get you there, as will observing the staccato dots and the slides that mark each change.
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 1995 14:37:05 -0400 From: AngryYngMn (at) aol dot com Subject: Making Plans for Nigel (chords) For all whom are interested, I think I've come up with the "Making Plans For Nigel" chord scheme...it took me a full afternoon to figure it out. If anyone lives in the eastern US and has put up with this heat (Yeow, 102 degrees in NYC!) you'll understand why I sat down to do this. My house has working A/C. It's pretty hard to explain the chord changes unless you play it to the song (try that, it would help immensely.) But the way I'm doing it, if I group two chords together, that would constitute one measure. Those are the chords as best as I can figure it, it's up to you to place them correctly. And I play *KEYBOARD* not guitar, so this was done at the pianner. Verse goes like this: Gadd2-G Emadd4-Em Bm7-Bm6 Bm7-Bm6 We're only making plans for Nigel We only want what's best for him We're only making plans for Nigel Nigel just needs this helping hand Am G And if young Nigel says he's happy G/F He must be happy Em7 He must be happy D He must be happy in his work <solo> G Em Bdim-Bm Bdim-Bm We're only making plans for Nigel He has a future in a British steel We're only making plans for Nigel Nigel's whole future is as good as sealed And if young Nigel says he's happy He must be happy He must be happy in his work E Nigel isn't outspoken C But he likes to speak G6 D/G G And he loves to be spoken to F? C G Nigel is happy in his work <verse> <solo 2x> There. Enjoy! Feel free to add suggestions...I'll try to do a few more songs soon. (If i have time) - Ira Lieman (AngryYngMn (at) aol dot com)
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