Funk Pop a Roll




XTCfans interview with Andy Partridge
Chords and Tablature
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  1. Album version, 3'05.
    Released on Mummer.

  2. Promotional video, 3'05?.
    Recorded in July, 1983.
    Broadcast as part of XTC Play At Home on 16 October 1984 on Channel 4 (C4).
    Not commercially released.


<a href="" target="churl">“Funk Pop a Roll” promo video, from <i>XTC Play at Home</i>, Channel 4, 1983</a>

“Funk Pop a Roll” promo video, from XTC Play at Home, Channel 4, 1983



Funk pop a roll beats up my soul
Oozing like napalm from the speakers and grill
Of your radio
Into the mouths of babes
And across the backs of its willing slaves

Funk pop a roll consumes you whole
Gulping in your opium so copiously from a disco
Everything you eat is waste
But swallowing is easy when it has no taste

They can fix you rabbits up
With your musical feed
They can fix you rabbits up
Big money selling you stuff that you really do not need

They can fix you rabbits up
With your musical feed
They can fix you rabbits up
Big money selling you stuff that you really do not need

Funk pop a roll for fish in shoals
Music by the yard for the children they keep
Like poseable dolls
The young to them are mistakes
Who only want bread but they're force-fed cake

Funk pop a roll the only goal
The music business is a hammer to keep
You pegs in your holes

But please don't listen to me

I've already been poisoned by this industry

Funk pop a roll beats up my soul

© 1983 Virgin Music (Publishers) Ltd.

Chords and Tablature

Date: Tue, 09 Jan 2007 20:17:05 -0800
From: "Darrell C. Harvey" <Darrell (at) TheHarveys dot net>
Subject: Funk Pop A Roll Intro/Verse Parts
Message-ID: <20070109201705.qtty9ein3xcgo8wc (at) webmail dot theharveys dot net>

FUNK POP A ROLL [Intro/Verse Parts] by Andy Partridge
© 1983 Virgin Music (Publishers) Ltd.
Transcribed for the XTC Forum by Jeff Truzzi

ANDY'S PART (on electric 6-string):

string/fret - note
xx5xxx  G
xxx0xx  G
xx5xxx  G
xxx2xx  A
xx5xxx  G
xxxx2x  C#

xx5xxx  G
xxxx3x  D
xx5xxx  G
xxxx2x  C#
xxX0xx  G
xx0033 (G5 - fast high to low)

DAVE'S PART (on electric 12-string):

note - string/fret
G   xxx12xx
G   xxxx8x
G   xxx12xx
A   xxxx10x
G   xxx12xx
C#  xxxxx9

G   xxx12xx
D   xxxxx10
G   xxx12xx
C#  xxxxx9
G   xxx12xx
G   xxxx8x

(Drum Fill)

[in a simple chart, all this would be called an "A" chord]

Andy Guitar:  Repeating 2 bar phrase
beat -  tab   - note
1   rest

2   xxxxx7   B
&   xxxxx5   A
3   xxxx8x   G
&   xxxxx5   A
1   xxxxx7   B
&   xxxxx5   A
2   xxxx8x   G
&   xxxxx5   A
&   xxxxx5   A
&   xxxxx5   A

Dave Guitar:  Repeating *4* bar patern
beat -  tab  -  chord
1   rest

2   x0222x   A

3   rest

4   x0222x   A

1   rest

2   x0222x   A
&   x0203x  A7sus4
&   x0222x   A
&   x0222x   A
1   rest

2   x0222x   A

3   rest

4   x0222x   A

1   rest

2   x0222x   A
&   x02032  Em9/A
&   x02030   A7sus4
4   x0203x   A7sus4
&   x0200x   A7sus2

Colin Bass:   Repeating 2 bar phrase
beat -  tab   -  note
1   3xxx   G

2   x2xx   B

3   x0xx   A
&   x4xx   C#
&   3xxx   G
&   x2xx   B
&   x0xx   A
&   x4xx   C#
4   hold

Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 12:43:07 -0800 (PST)
From: Duane Day <Duane.Day (at) Sun dot COM>
Subject: suggestion on Funk Pop a Roll chords
Message-Id: <200203112040.g2BKeOH23277 (at) phys-hanwk14-1 dot ebay dot sun dot com>

One minor suggestion, though, regarding Tim Augustyn's comments on the
bridge chords for "Funk Pop a Roll":

Tim wrote:
> But a small suggestion on the tab for Funk-Pop-a-Roll -
> Flip the E7 and F7 -
> That is, F7 on 'It'll fix you rabbits up', and E7 on 'feed'.
> Then F7 again and E7 on 'really do not need'.

I think that's almost but not quite right.  Try playing a B7 on "feed"
and see if that doesn't sound a little more "correct."

They can fix you rabbits up
With your musical feed
They can fix you rabbits up
                  F7                 E7
Big money selling you stuff that you really do not need

Thanks and best regards,

****************  ****************

Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 20:17:08 -0400
From: "Tim Augustyn" <taugusty (at) customnet dot net>
Subject: Funk-Pop-a-Roll
Message-ID: <000a01c0cc53$e84a28e0$a1b7c4d0 (at) uskihnktaugusty>

Incredible web site!

But a small suggestion on the tab for Funk-Pop-a-Roll -
Flip the E7 and F7 -
That is, F7 on 'It'll fix you rabbits up', and E7 on 'feed'.
Then F7 again and E7 on 'really do not need'.

Try it - it sounds better.

Keep up the great work!

Tim Augustyn
Royal Oak, MI, USA

Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 18:21:55 -0400
From: Kevin Brunkhorst <KB305 (at) aol dot com>
Subject: here's Mummer, plus some B-sides
Message-ID: <960726182155_246529032 (at) emout08 dot mail dot aol dot com>

Get your guitar, cue up the CD.
Proud to be on the website, looks good there.
What's next?

Funk Pop a Roll

Funk pop a roll beats up my soul
Oozing like napalm from the speakers and grill
Of your radio
Into the mouths of babes
And across the backs of its willing slaves

Funk pop a roll consumes you whole
Gulping in your opium so copiously from a disco
Everything you eat is waste
But swallowing is easy when it has no taste

They can fix you rabbits up
With your musical feed
They can fix you rabbits up
                  F7                 E7
Big money selling you stuff that you really do not need

Funk pop a roll for fish in shoals
Music by the yard for the children they keep
Like poseable dolls
The young to them are mistakes
Who only want bread but they're force-fed cake

Funk pop a roll the only goal
The music business is a hammer to keep
You pegs in your holes
But please don't listen to me
I've already been poisoned by this industry!

Funk pop a roll beats up my soul

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