XTC Reel by Real: XTC: Go 2 | ![]() |
Last update: 3 June 2023 |
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This is a RECORD COVER. This writing is the DESIGN upon the record cover. The DESIGN is to help SELL the record. We hope to draw your attention to it and encourage you to pick it up. When you have done that maybe you'll be persuaded to listen to the music - in this case XTC's Go 2 album. Then we want you to BUY it. The idea being that the more of you that buy this record the more money Virgin Records, the manager Ian Reid and XTC themselves will make. To the aforementioned this is known as PLEASURE. A good cover DESIGN is one that attracts more buyers and gives more pleasure. This writing is trying to pull you in much like an eye-catching picture. It is designed to get you to READ IT. This is called luring the VICTIM, and you are the VICTIM. But if you have a free mind you should STOP READING NOW! because all we are attempting to do is to get you to read on. Yet this is a DOUBLE BIND because if you indeed stop you'll be doing what we tell you, and if you read on you'll be doing what we've wanted all along. And the more you read on the more you're falling for this simple device of telling you exactly how a good commercial design works. They're TRICKS and this is the worst TRICK of all since it's describing the TRICK whilst trying to TRICK you, and if you've read this far then you're TRICKED but you wouldn't have known this unless you'd read this far. At least we're telling you directly instead of seducing you with a beautiful or haunting visual that may never tell you. We're letting you know that you ought to buy this record because in essence it's a PRODUCT and PRODUCTS are to be consumed and you are a consumer and this is a good PRODUCT. We could have written the band's name in special lettering so that it stood out and you'd see it before you'd read any of this writing and possibly have bought it anyway. What we are really suggesting is that you are FOOLISH to buy or not buy an album merely as a consequence of the design on its cover. This is a con because if you agree then you'll probably like this writing - which is the cover design - and hence the album inside. But we've just warned you against that. The con is a con. A good cover design could be considered as one that gets you to buy the record, but that never actually happens to YOU because YOU know it's just a design for the cover. And this is the RECORD COVER. |
This is the back of a RECORD COVER. Catalogue No. V2108. This writing is the DESIGN on the back of the cover. This design is not like that on the FRONT. Its aim is to impart information about the RECORD and the GATEFOLD INSERT within rather than trying to sell it by being impactful or clever or any of those things. We have kept it in the same style so that the entire package has a sense of IDENTITY which- ever way you see it. The record is by XTC. This is their second album. We won't attempt to describe their music because all you have to do is play it and you can describe it for yourself. XTC is made up of Andy Partridge, Barry Andrews, Colin Moulding and Terry Chambers. We have shown photos of them below because this is regarded as commer- cially sensible and helpful in creating their image. And if you're curious at all you might find it interesting to see what the musicians actually look like. And there are more pictures and words on the very colourful insert which you can only see if you buy the whole thing. Many people think it helpful and useful to know some details about the songs on the record in side, so here they are:- 1. Meccanik Dancing (Oh We Go!) 2. Battery Brides (Andy Paints Brian) 3. Buzzcity Talki ng 4. Crowded Room 5. The Rhythm 6. Red 7. Beatown 8. Li fe is Good in the Greenhouse 9. Jumping in Gomorrah 10. My Weapon 11. Super-Tuff 12. I am the Audience. You m ay also be interested to know that the record was produced and Engineered by John Leckie with assistant engineers Haydn Be ndall and Pete James at Abbey Road, also, Andy Llewelyn and Jess Sutcliffe at Matrix and that Barry's Roots photos were by Dave Eagle. We have to repeat the catalogue number on the insert for bureaucratic reasons and here it is V2108. Lastly we would like to make it clear that this is a product of Virgin Records Limited, partly because they wanted us to and partly because it is a legal necessity. Virgin Records' head office is located at Vernon Yard, Portobello Road, London W.11. and is (P) Virgin Records 1978 and (c) 1978 Virgin Music (Publishers) Ltd. This sleeve was written and photographed by Hipgnosis and printed in England by James Upton Ltd. |
XTC This is a record company biography which, unlike a real biography, tells you only what is convenient for you to know. Its style and appearance, which will be applauded by some as iconoclastic and dismissed by others as pretentious, corresponds closely to that on the cover of XTC's new album 'Go 2'. Its function is to provide information about the group for the recipient, usually a journalist, to employ when writing about them. Often, a biography exceeds that function by expressing carefully programmed opinions in persuasively vacuous biz-speak. This provides the company representative with some vague sense of purpose and the journalist with an opportunity to paraphrase the results without recourse to such tiresome activities as thought, the eventual intention being that the public should view the band exactly as wished by their record company. All that need be known about XTC, other than what is written about them by those who are not duty-bound to enthuse, is that the present line-up was formed early in 1977 when keyboards player Barry Andrews joined. Previously, guitarist Andy Partridge, bassist Colin Moulding and drummer Terry Chambers had worked together, with others, as Star Park and The Helium Kidz. Beginning in their home town of Swindon, the band soon built up a substantial following. Their first record after signing with Virgin was 'XTC 3D EP' (VS 18812), released last October. With the assis- tance of constant touring, this sold out its listed edition of 30,000 copies and was subsequently re- issued with the catalogue number VOLE 3. Their first LP 'White Music' (V2095), which contained eleven XTC originals and the group's interpretation of Bob Dylan's 'All Along The Watchtower', was released in January 1978. It was preceded by the appearance of a single 'Statue of Liberty'/'Hang On To The Night' (VS 201) and a European tour with Talking Heads, and followed by a 33-date UK tour of their own. A second single 'This Is Pop?'/'Heatwave' (VS 209), was released in May 1978. Their new album 'Go 2' (V2108), recorded this summer, contains 13 new songs and two more, 'Are You Receiving Me?'/ 'Instant Tunes', are released as a single. A 'dub' EP of album tracks follows soon after. Adjectives employed most frequently when describing XTC are 'attractive', 'energetic', 'unique', 'bizarre', 'addictive', 'intelligent', and 'inventive'. |
[Virgin promotional literature, Autumn 1978]
XTC's second album, and second of the year 1978, also reaches the U.K. Top 30. Its literate and very unusual cover reflected two very important characteristics of the band.
Geffen CD Release 1991 includes one track not on the original album: "Are You Receiving Me" (written by Partridge), which appeared previously on album only on Waxworks. All else remains the same, except for a couple of words on the classic cover: "RECORD COVER" has been changed to "COMPACT DISC COVER".
[Geffen promotional literature, 1991]
Andy: “Four weeks worth of songs, hastily scribbled on hotel notepaper and beermats. We were living out of carrier bags and in rental vans, making nasty noises at each other and with each other. Something had to give and here it is.”
Andy: “A squabbling band made that album. A maelstrom of a session. Plus we were living together in a situation reminiscent of The Young Ones.”
Lyrics, Charts and More
In many countries the album also included "Are You Receiving Me?".
Recording Information
Recorded at Abbey Road Studios, London, England, August-September, 1978.
Produced and engineered by John Leckie with assistant engineers Haydn Bendall
and Pete James with Andy Llewelyn and Jess Sutcliffe at Matrix.
Originally released on 13 October 1978 in the U.K.
Reached No. 21 on the U.K. album chart.
Barry played loads of things including crumar group 49 cheesy organ, farfisa organ, lawrence electric piano, wurlitzer e-piano, mini-moog, clavinet, steinway grand piano.
This album was originally to be titled Strong and Silent (which implied that XTC were weak, and they were very loud indeed).
(of Mr and Mrs PARTRIDGE) In all, a green with pieces of missing,in all a black with wire figures,figures like a bamboo room divider.Hunters on a Parisienne street cafe,you know, all wrought iron all skirts all white blankets where the petticoats areI/n a billion blankly missing Eiffel Tower legs,wrought in wrought. Tables as thin as a con- temporary look,all in all,jazzy jazzy,chairs with figured vests in wrought stripes,paris jazzy, Paris green,black table,iron legs,wine sketches,bamboo jazz interlocking in cold, coldjazz love,Paris in Seine fish are dead in a midstream,wire river four waves then halt as street cafe,wall of thin,starved iron, flat skirts,pile of sunglasses, pile of legs,sharp pointed chair Eiffel heads,trillion criss cross iron jazz,Paris criss crossed non stopped,green on red wire heads, pour wrought wine out of sketch bottles....Ghost rail,wire writing, Rue,Seine,La Touer,jazz kissing, balloon over pavement cafe,wire fish are safe,safe. |
The following is an excerpt from "X-plaining XTC" (part 1), based on an interview by Steve Kolanjian and David Dasch, published in Aware (A Rock Music Research Journal), No. 8, Winter 1981-82:
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GO+: These tracks are dub versions of songs on Go 2, respectively "Meccanik Dancing (Oh We Go!)", "Jumping in Gomorrah", "Battery Brides (Andy Paints Brian)", "I Am the Audience", and "The Rhythm". In dub technique, the original tape is reprocessed through the mixing board, with some elements altered, some removed, and some new ones added. "We Kill the Beast" features the sound (inadvertently recorded) of a tape of another piece rewinding. GO+ was initially issued with Go 2 in Britain (and perhaps elsewhere), the LP and EP wrapped in a poster and all three items in a plastic bag. Later, they were sold individually by record dealers in the US. |
Originally released on 13 October 1978 in the U.K. as a free bonus with the
first 15,000 copies of the Go 2 LP (V 2108).
Also available on Explode
See also discographical details.
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