The Dope On Perelman




Chords and Tablature
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  1. Album version.
    Performed by Peter Blegvad & Andy Partridge.
    Lyrics by Peter Blegvad.
    Music by Andy Partridge and Stu Rowe.
    Released on 22 October 2012 on the Peter Blegvad & Andy Partridge album Gonwards in the U.K.
    Peter Blegvad - vocals
    Andy Partridge - electric guitar solo
    Stu Rowe - keyboard bass, acoustic guitar
    Frank Abrams - flute
    Natasha Griffiths - ‘fly thru’ backing vocals
  2. Promotional video, 4'02.
    Performed by Peter Blegvad & Andy Partridge.
    Released on 22 December 2012 on YouTube.


#\#a href="" target="churl"#/#From the album 'Gonwards' released on the Ape House label October 2012#\#/a#/#

From the album 'Gonwards' released on the Ape House label October 2012



Dissecting a cat.
Where is its pep?
Coins made of water
are hard to pick up.

With ink eradicator
I altered my grades.
Satirically yet
I altered the world.

Streetcars passed
the ballpark.
Daydreaming in
the outfield I was
beaned by a pop fly.

I saw suffering saints
and Christlike figures
descending from trams.

Down from a cloud
with a clang he fell,
Jacques Cousteau
in a diving bell.

I electroplated radiators
to defray the costs of my
father's failing farm.

In an era of
discrimination survival
tactics are required:

Fly through the
clouds on vacuum cleaners
with male companions.

With females it's more
a matter of moonlight canoeing.

Do spark plugs think?

Chords and Tablature


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