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Recordings XTCfans interview with Andy Partridge Art Lyrics Chords and Tablature |
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Andy: “This was briefly on Skylarking but when ‘Dear God’ - which wasn't on the album at first - became a hit something had to go and so I took off the shortest song.”
Andy: “You are now entering the aquatic corner of the disc, put your flippers on for the next three tracks. This is me, telling me a new tuning I've stumbled on and slamming down some nice chords before I forget. Brain of a guppy.”
Andy: “So I had some chords in a new tuning and I'd found a melody (that's the thing that goes duh, duh, duh), but I didn't have any words, apart from ‘smiled’. I knew I wanted it to be about the sea, that was all at this stage. So I slapped the back of my acoustic in lieu of bongos and made white noise waves, but what the hell was it about? I posted this (almost) instrumental to producer Todd Rundgren and in the meantime plundered a poem I'd written about lost childhood innocence, which I think was called ‘Book Full of Sea’, to supply requisite text. So here with mirror in hand is the one word, 99% finstrumental.”
From pools of xylophone clear
From caves of memory
I saw the children at heart
That we once used to be
Borne on foaming seahorse herd
Compose with trumpeting shell
From lines across their hands
A song as new as new moon
As old as all the sands
Shrank to stagnant from Atlantic wild
Lost that child 'til mermaid
Summoned by drum rolling surf
As laughing fish compel
The young boy woken in me
By clanging diving bell
Breakers pillow fight the shore
She wriggles free in the tide
I'm locked in adult land
Back in the mirror she slides
Waving with comb in hand
I was lucky to remain beguiled
Grown to child since mermaid
© 1987 Virgin Music (Publishers) Ltd.
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2017 14:33:31 +0200 From: Florian Decros <flodecros (at) gmail dot com> Subject: Bass tabs of "Skylarking" Message-ID: <CAPtZtiPs1nY1yeFCibNRa75qhzrX8U_JhcbCUurHrPpGN_p=XA (at) mail dot gmail dot com>
Hi !
As a big fan of the album "Skylarking" and an enthusiast bass player,
I decided to transcribe all the songs from the record (except "1000
Umbrellas" because there's no bass, duh), including "Dear God".
There's surely mistakes here and there, but I tried to do my best.
Hope it will help some bass players across the word :)
PS : Sorry if I made some grammatical mistakes, i'm french :)
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2007 17:48:11 +0200 From: "Mats Fagergren" <mats.fagergren (at) roxling dot com> Subject: Mermaid Smile..again.. Message-ID: <000901c77abe$7b864340$63d8e055 (at) NYA>
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2006 18:04:34 +0000 From: "randall johnson" <ahordeofrand (at) hotmail dot com> Subject: mermaid smiled chords redux Message-ID: <BAY106-F2335B1717F27772AFABB06CA490 (at) phx dot gbl> i love this song with every fiber in my oatmeal, and i must give extreme kudos to mike golvach for the most pristine, thorough, and, frankly, beautiful tablature on this website. ...but i found a small glitch in the tablature. andy says in the above paragraphs that he had discovered a new tuning. i found a few very obscured notes in the part where he sings the actual word "mermaid". in the sheet music it shows the lowest bass tones played on the A string as being a B (22444 mer... 33555 maid... 55777...) the root note begins as an A, so i checked the demo. that's where i found the alternate tuning! the guitar should be detuned as such... DGDGBE both the E and A strings are dropped down. it's only minor adjustments from there for chord shapes. in the verses that show the progressions of 002 004 006 007 006 004 002 it now becomes 0202 0404 0606 0707 0606 0404 0202. if you listen to the demo you can hear that one octave spread. everything stays the same until the words "shrank to stagnant" where the new chords are shaped like this: instead of 133211 and so forth it is... shrank to 3X3211 stagnant from at 3X3200 lantic wild 767600 lost that child 'til X02030 mer X22333 maid X33444 X55777. note that the shape remains the same for some notes, but the dropped strings change the sound. still, mike, you are amazing. i wouldn't have figured out any of this without you having such a very thorough tab. i wouldn't have figured out most every chord, in fact. thank you.
Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2003 15:40:39 -0500 From: "Mike Golvach" <golvach (at) unext dot com> Subject: Mermaid Smiled Message-ID: <000001c37000$23b8a440$6501a8c0 (at) unext dot com>
This song has long been a favorite of mine, despite its relegation to obscurity by the coming of Dear God. I hope this tab helps you enjoy the piece even more and would welcome any comments regarding it, as most of the acoustic guitar, although integral to the mood, was very hard to distinguish from the plethora of horns, xylophones, wave-crashing and other sounds that make it what it is. Enjoy and Cheers! - Mike
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