XTC Discography | ![]() |
Revision 5.83q (1 March 2025) |
This discography copyright © 1988-2025 by John Relph.
- Summary
- A concise list of everything ever released.
- Recent Updates
- A short list of recent updates.
- Albums
- Regular XTC album releases.
- Singles and EPs
- Regular XTC singles and EPs.
- Collections, Retrospectives and More
- Collections of album and non-album tracks.
- Promotional Releases and Giveaways
- Radio station and record store stuff that collectors love.
- Interviews and Radio Shows
- For radio broadcast only.
- Unauthorized Releases
- Bootlegs, pirates, and counterfeits.
- The Dukes of Stratosphear
- The psychedelic alter-egos.
- Other Extracurricular and Solo Activity
- Solo works and releases in disguise with diamonds.
- Guest Appearances and Collaborations with Other Artists
- From cameos to co-writing.
- Compilations of Various Artists
- XTC: one-hit wonders.
- Rumoured and Future Releases
- I can neither confirm nor deny.
- The Fine Print
- Copyright and key to abbreviations.
This discography compiled, edited, and formatted by John Relph. Much information has come from the wonderful Wonderland XTC discography compiled by Shigemasa Fujimoto (Thanks!). Some information was also found in and/or verified by Brad Nelson's (Bremerton, Washington) XTC Discography.
I am indebted to the maintainers of these other discographies for additional information:
Dave Gregory (Mark Strijbos and Debie Edmonds)
The Big Dish (Simon Young)
Clark Datchler (John Berge)
Louis Philippe (Mr. Sunshine)
Dr. Demento (Jeff Morris)
Hüsker Dü (Paul Hilcoff)
Discogs (you and me)
Thanks go out to these additional contributors:
Sebastián Adúriz, Stephen Arthur, Klaus Bergmaier, Todd Bernhardt, Philippe Bihan, Fredrik Björklund, Allan Blackman, Patrick Bourcier, Barry Brooks, Jean-Christophe Brouchard, David Brown, Chris Browning, Stephen Bruun, Darryl W. Bullock, Justin Bur, Giancarlo Cairella, James Robert Campbell, Justin Campbell, Pedro Cardoso, Damon Z Cassell, Alberto M. Castagna, Jean-Philippe Cimetière, Chris Clark, William Alan Cohen, Britt Conley, Doug Coster, Al Crawford, Paul Culnane, Ian Dahlberg, Michael Dallin, Gary L Dare, David Datta, Adam Davies, Duane Day, Stefano De Astis, André de Koning, Simon Deane, Marcus Deininger, Tom Demi, Kevin Denley, Chris Dodge, Morgan Dodge, Chris Donnell, Charlie Dontsurf, François Drouin, Jon Drukman, Johan Ekdahl, Charles Eltham, Remco Engels, Stewart Evans, John C Falstaff, Mark Fisher, Peter Fitzpatrick, Martin Fopp, Dave Franson, Mitch Friedman, Martin Fuchs, A. J. Fuller, André Garneau, Greg Gillette, George Gimarc, Giovanni Giusti, David Glazener, Mark Glickman, Mike Godfrey, Marshall Gooch, Ben Gott, John Greaves, Robert Hawes, Jude Hayden, Scott Haefner, Reinhard zur Heiden, Phil Hetherington, Paul Hosken, Toby Howard, Bill Humphries, Johan Huysse, James Isaacs, Naoyuki Isogai, Joe Jarrett, Shane Johns, Owen Keenan, Tom Keekley, Howard Kramer, Augie Krater, Philip Kret, Jacqueline Kroft, Marcus Kuley, Mark LaForge, Kai Lassfolk, Matthew Last, Dom Lawson, Peter E. Lee, Steve Levenstein, Björn Levidow, Christer Liljegren, Thomas R Loden, Holger Löschner, Peter Luetjens, Joe Lynn, Delia M., J. D. Mack, Claudio Maggiora, Emmanuel Marin, Don Marks, Marc Matsumoto, Yoshi Matsumoto, Niels P. Mayer, Scott A. C. McIntyre, Gary Milliken, Derek Miner, Pål Kristian Molin, Martin Monkman, Bill Moxim, Rolf Muckel, Brad Nelson, Lazlo Nibble, Gary Nicholson, Pär Nilsson, Gez Norris, Todd Oberly, Jefferson Ogata, Marc Padovani, Barry Parris, Mike Paulsen, David A. Pearlman, Richard Pedretti-Allen, Joe Perez, Barbara Petersen, Dan Phipps, John J. Pinto, Joe Radespiel, Martin van Rappard, Robert R Reall, Melissa Reaves, Joachim Reinbold, Ola Rinta-Koski, Dougie Robb, Paul Pledge Rodgers, Michael Rose, Jon Rosenberger, Ira Rosenblatt, Shawn Rusaw, Mark Rushton, Egidio Sabbadini, Annie Sattler, Steve Schechter, Timothy M. Schreyer, Erich Sellheim, Steven L. Sheffield, Tetsuya Shimizu, Hisaaki Shintaku, Jim Siedliski, Chris Sine, Dean Skilton, Christopher Slye, Frédéric Solans, Ian C Stewart, Bill Stow, Ken Strayhorn Jr., Mark Strijbos, Jeffrey Thomas, Jon Thomas, Robert C Thurston, Patrick Trudel, Adam Tyner, T P Uschanov, Maurits Verhoeff, Tim "Zastai" Van Holder, Jonas Wårstad, Duncan Watson, Jeff White, Bill Wikstrom, Wes Wilson, Kim E. Williams, David Wood, Paulo X, David Yazbek, Brett Young, Takada Yuichi, Jim Zittel.
Note: This document is available as both a multi-part document (more appropriate for web surfing), and a single document (suitable for printing). A plain text version is also available. A concise XTC discography (more of an overview) is also available. Recent changes to this document are indicated by type, are listed in the Recent Updates section of the Summary, are available in unified diff format, and are also available as an RSS feed.
While information about particular releases is not copyright and may be used without permission, the compilation of this information in this discography in this format is copyright and may not be published in any form whatsoever without the permission of the author. Just ask.
This discography may be distributed electronically and otherwise if and only if the entire copyright notice and attributions are included.
Address all correspondence to:
Relph <relph at
alumni dot usc dot edu>
(Note: subtitute "@" for "at", "." for
All singles and EPs have a picture sleeve (p/s) unless otherwise noted. Unless otherwise noted, CDs come in a standard jewel-box and CD-singles come in a slim-line jewel-box. An “obi” is the paper strip (literally, the “sash”) that comes wrapped around most Japanese LPs and CDs. “DD” indicates a “digital download” release.
A bootleg consists of unreleased material, including concert recordings, studio outtakes, and radio or television broadcasts. A pirate release consists of previously released material without attempting to make the release look like an original. A counterfeit is an exact copy of an official release.
Please do not ask me where to find rare recordings, bootlegs, videos, or other releases listed in this discography. This discography is a list of releases that have been made available over time, not a list of my personal collection. Just because any given release is listed in this discography does not mean that I own that release, nor does it indicate that I am willing to trade, sell, or dub copies of that or any other release. If you are looking for such recordings, try attending record shows, reading collector magazines, and hunting in used record shops.
While the existence of unauthorized recordings is documented herein, I cannot advise on the legality of such recordings, nor can I advise where such recordings can be obtained.
Any and all additional information pertaining to releases which appear or should appear in this discography is appreciated.
Information flagged with a question mark has not been verified (a guess, a rumour). If you have further information about these or other related releases, please write me.
Some CD track times were found using my compact disc player and the time indicated on your CD player may vary slightly (± 1-3 seconds), due to the way different machines calculate track times.
Go back to Chalkhills.
Revision 5.83q (1 March 2025)