Chalkhills Digest Volume 1, Issue 240
Date: Thursday, 3 September 1992
                  Chalkhills, Number 240

                Thursday, 3 September 1992
Today's Topics:
                    Andy to produce...
                   New producer etc...
                   DEBT And Tape Lists
                        xtc stuff
             XTC 4th International Convention
     Producers, fave stuff, etc.  My once-a-year post
    "Gorilla in the Zoo" Voice/XTC Producers/Nearsuch?
                  When did they see Her?
                   Re: Chalkhills #237

Date: 28 Aug 92 21:58:50 EDT
From: Steve Levenstein <>
Subject: Andy to produce...

Hey, I was in such a hurry to tell you fellow Chalkhillers about
that plug for The Book on Toronto's CFNY-fm yesterday, I forgot
to relay some important news!
The book-plugging guy (his name is David Bookman - really!) said
that Andy's next production job would be on the new album by
British band BLUR. Tose guys are GOOD, and sure won't hurt Andy's
rep to be associated with one of the "new" bands. Of course, that's
if he does a good job of it! (g).

I've been scanning Canada's music video channel, "MuchMusic"
(known to fellow detractors as "MuchMucus") in hope of seeing
one of XTC's new videos. Well, after many hours of fruitless
scanning, we came across the video for "The Disappointed"
Has anyone else seen it? Quite good, IMHO, with some nicely
filmed (videoed?) medieval-looking scenes and the usual pensive
looking Andy. Still scanning for "Peter Pumpkinhead", and
working up a fierce contempt for MuchMucus...   ---> Steve

"I watch the TV with an actor's rage!"


Date: Fri, 28 Aug 92 10:34:13 GMT
From: (Emmanuel Marin)
Subject: New producer etc...

I must confess that I am rather amazed when I read these talks about
the choice for the next producer. Since I have not been reading chalkhills
for about two months can someone summarize what happened ?
Were they fired from Virgin by the Thorn EMI staff ? Seems not. Were
they given "marching orders" then ? When I read your comments I have the
feeling that the next record session will take place in a very few
months !
Does someone know if their debt increased or decreased after
"Nonsuch" ?
And to conclude, I like the book a lot, even if I am a bit frustated to
read the book after "Nonsuch"'s release and not have anything to read about

Thanks to answer.



Date: 31 Aug 92 16:23:19 EDT
Subject: DEBT And Tape Lists

Are there any Chalkhillians who could help me find a copy of "This Is Not The
New Album" promo CD or The NUNSUCH CARD GAME which I am searching for to
repay in trade the generosity of a friend in Japan?  Any leads would be

Also- Without question the best Tape list I have ever seen belongs to:

    25215 GRODAN
    APT. 155

He is somewhat hesitent to send out tapes on request but is generous when
trading for material he needs, especially 1989-1991. It would be fair to call
Mr. Zittel a completist. Come to think of it he owes me a tape in trade!


Date: 31 Aug 92 21:01:00 EST
From: "GLAAB, TOM" <>
Subject: xtc stuff

>from bhocking...
If anyone knows of any places that sells XTC merchandise in the northeast,
please drop me a line at:
    the record exchange (va/nc chain) once in a while seemed to
have XTC-wear.  the guys at the blacksburg,va shop are cool and
knowledgeable about their music (seems to come with a college
town).  try them at 703-961-2500.

>regarding the survey...
    Because they're simply the most uncompromisingly intelligent,
    funny, introspective, angry, wistful, topical, unpretentious,

    i like it :-)


Date: Tue, 1 Sep 92 13:01:21 BST
From: Toby Howard <>
Subject: XTC 4th International Convention

A reminder:

The XTC 4th International Convention is being held in Manchester, England,
on Saturday 10 October. BE THERE!

For details call the orgainser directly:

	Paul Wilde
	47 Wycombe Close
	Manchester M31 2WD
	Telephone: (44) 61 747 3752, between 1800 and 2000 (UK time)

Attractions include:


	- Chris Twomey (author of the book) is there in person

	- Rare videos/footage on large screen

	- Fans perform XTC songs

	- XTC karaoke

	- merchandise

	- a video box to send your own video message to the band!

Ring Paul now!!!!!!!!!


PS I'll post a report after the event.


Date: Sat, 29 Aug 92 16:01:51 CDT
From: (Al Kolman)
Subject: Producers, fave stuff, etc.  My once-a-year post

Well, hmm...  Producers?

  1. Steve Lillywhite
  2. David Byrne
  3. Elvis Costello
  4. Todd Rundgren (I know Andy didn't like him)
  5. Brian Eno
  6. Hugh Padagm (English Settlement.  Where could you go wrong??)

  How 'bout David Bowie?

I was introduced to XTC in 1987 with English Settlement, and then immediately
went out and got Skylarking.  I think both are excellent albums in their own
right.  Settlement, however, happens to be my ALL-TIME fave album.  It's just
so great, it's indescribable!

  1. English Settlement
  2. The Black Sea
  3. Skylarking
  4. The Black Sea Tour ("Rare import")
  5. Drums & Wires
  6. White Music
  7. The Big Express
  8. Go2
  9. Mummer
 10. Oranges & Lemons

I don't have Nonsvch yet 'cause I still can't believe they put out O&L, which
I plain don't like (as far as their stuff goes.  As far as all music goes, i's
a pretty good album).  Albums in 5-8 place on my list are actually tied -
they're just staple albums that are, well, XTC-ish!  You know?

Guadalcanal Diary always tried to emulate The Black Sea on their own albums.
They said, "The Black Sea is the definitive pop album."  Too bad pop culture
didn't realize it...

Let me out of this
English Roundabout!
Al Kolman
Determinism is a proper subset of Free Will



Date: Wed, 2 Sep 92 06:47:29 PDT
From: Wes Wilson @PKO3 - 223-3413  02-Sep-1992 0936 <>
Subject: "Gorilla in the Zoo" Voice/XTC Producers/Nearsuch?

In Chalkhills #238, John Relph picks up his electronic quill
pen and asks incredulously whether the voice at the end of
the 12" "Ball and Chain" version of "Cockpit Dance Mixture" is
indeed omitted from "Cockpit Dance Version" on RAG N' BONE BUFFET.

I think it is; I also think that somewhere on the record sleeve there's
a suggestion that it's Hugh Padgham's voice. I'll verify all of this
when I get off my lazy butt and drag the record and the CD
out again.

- - - - -

Does Dave Stewart of "Hatfield and the North" fame produce bands?
He and Barbara Gaskin covered "Roads Girdle the Globe" on
"Up from the Light", released a few years ago.

I've always liked the so-called Canterbury circle of bands; basically
anything Stewart and Richard Sinclair were involved with. Both
"Hatfield" albums and "In the Land of Grey and Pink" and
other Caravan material is excellent - like XTC, unabashedly
British. I'd like to see some connection established here!
The next album could be called "Canterbury Tales", or

- - - - -

Any reported sightings of the Somesuch (Nearsuch - whatever!),
CD? I thought I saw it floating over a swamp late one night...
but I can't be sure.



Date: Wed, 2 Sep 92 15:03:35 CDT
From: Ingrid de Beus <>
Subject: When did they see Her?

Hello.  Do those of you who are posessed of The Book by any chance know
when Andy Partridge et al first encountered the city of New York? I was
listening to Statue of Liberty last night, y'see.  The city must have
made an impression, to inspire a raucous song like that.  Any clues?

thanx again for not minding my silly questions overmuch..

Ingrid Elvire Maria de Beus			there is no god			only greed,dung,and lies			you've got no soul
eyes of green smoke and hair of gold		only rips in your eyes


From: "Michael Murphy" <>
Subject: Re: Chalkhills #237
Date: Thu, 03 Sep 92 14:21:43 EDT

In message <>, Chalkhills #237, (jime) wrote:

> i really like what john leckie did with the dukes! i'd like to see what they
> could do with him now!  but i think one really interesting thing to see is
> what
> nile rogers could do with xtc.  i think it could be another magical

> what does anyone else think of this?  i haven't heard from nile for quite a
> while, though. i am certain he is not on their list of people to consider,

Well, in an article on Bernard Edwards (the bass player from Chic) in a recent
Bass Player magizine, they said that Bernard & Nile have gotten back together
and put out another Chic album, "Chic-ism".  I think they might have mentioned
tour, but i can't remember now.  So Nile is still out there, but he mabe be
busy with Chic-ism for a while.


For all administrative issues, such as change of address,
withdrawal from the list, fan club addresses, discography
requests (last update 28 August), back issues, FAQ list,
etc., send a message to the following address:


The Chalkhills archives are available at "".

All views expressed in Chalkhills are those of the
individual contributors only.  They can't teach me how to shirk correctly.

Go back to Volume 1.

3 September 1992 / Feedback