Chalkhills Digest Volume 1, Issue 198
Date: Monday, 10 February 1992
                  Chalkhills, Number 198

                 Monday, 10 February 1992
Today's Topics:
      Re: Re: "Nonesuch" - due date and song titles!
                   Re:  Chalkhills #197
               nonesuch,9th gen tape, david
            Song Titles Sound MIGHTY Familiar
                  Dukes as Parodies....
                     XTC Tribute Tape
                    XTC: Big in Japan
                   Urg (??) a music war

Date: Thu, 6 Feb 92 17:38:08 est
Subject: Re: Re: "Nonesuch" - due date and song titles!

     The thing I like about Chalkhills and other dedicated lists
I'm on (Notes from the Edge-Yes) is that everyone usually makes
their comments with optimistic overtones, and if they have anything
negative to say it's usually read in an optimistic manner. I wish the
people who are lucky enough to hear advance demo's of an impending
release (Nonsuch) wound not be so quick to make negative comments
about something we are all looking forward to is indeed
a real turn off.  Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion
but come on...let's give it a chance. As with most XTC material it
has to be heard a few times before you really begin to fully
appreciate it.

                                        -- Gary Hanley


Date: Thu, 6 Feb 92 22:46:54 -0800
From: will kreth <>
Subject: Re:  Chalkhills #197

Just a note of a snowbunny nature. There's this billboard that has appeared
in the SF Bay Area of late - advertising a ski resort in the Sierras. The
typical blonde Cali woman is depicted - zooming down the slopes with the
caption "Pure XTC".  The resort is called Sierra Snow Ranch. I break into an
XTC song each time I see one on the freeway.


Date: Thu, 6 Feb 92 23:57:14 -0800
From: Kevin Carhart <>
Subject: nonesuch,9th gen tape, david

Oh, is the album named after THAT nonesuch?  Do they release medieval
harpsichord and such?  I know them for a great big album of early
electronic music, the really jangly kind.. and the album is divided
into all the different individual components, like various waveforms
and effects.. i thought it was a pretentious kind of thing, until someone
pointed out to me that it was more of a manual for people wanting to
program the old synthesizers than an album for listening.  Anyway, nonesuch!

Another thing on the answering machine messages tape is a soundtrack
andy did, uncredited, for a friend's documentary series on the circulatory
system.  (no connection to pulsing pulsing, about blood and where it goes!)
Unfortunately, this tape is about 9th generation already.

David Millians wrote:
> [something]
Don't rock the boat!  Cause you're one of the millians!
If others make(i'm giddy with anticipation.)
next post, Gus Dudgeon's mother-in-law!
But that's not our concern!  It isn't!  Is it!


Date: Fri, 7 Feb 92 10:59:10 -0500
From: (You know, Liz Taylor is fat)
Subject: Grrrrrr!

Another album and STILL no "Gangway Electric Guitar Coming Through"!!!!!

If they don't do it soon, I'm gonna have MY band do it.

Speaking of which... how's the Chalkhills tape coming along?  I have
three possible songs to contribute, "Life Begins at the Hop", "Earn Enough
for Us", and a secret one that's not so much "obscure" as just "an odd
choice", so I won't say what it is.  Nyeah hah hah.

"when I saw you, you looked so surprised/ and the heavens shone in your
 blue-grey eyes/ and we passed through the hot summer skies/ so tell me
 how do you feel?"


Date: Fri, 7 Feb 92 12:45:48 PST
Subject: Song Titles Sound MIGHTY Familiar

Maybe it's because I've become such a big collector of XTC material,
following not only the band itself but also the various groups they
produce...anyway, some of the song _titles_ from the soon-to-be-released
album sound mighty "familiar"...:

Who I think
wrote it: 					Title kinda reminds me of...

Andy     "Wrapped In Grey"                      Blue Overall
Colin    "The Disappointed" 			The Affiliated
Andy     "Holly Up On Poppy"			The Hollies *were* very
                                                 poppy :-)
Colin    "The Ugly Underneath"
Andy     "Crocodile"
Andy     "Then She Appeared"			"Then came she, made
                                                 him see..."
Colin    "Humble Daisy"
Andy     "Madame Barnum"
Andy     "War Dance"
Andy     "Peter Pumpkin"			Any relation to the Mayor of
Andy     "Smartest Monkeys"  			There's a song,
                                                 "Weird Monkeys,"
                                                 on Peter Blegvad's THE
                                                 NAKED SHAKESPEARE
Andy     "Bungalow"
Colin    "Omnibus"
Andy     "Books Are Burning"			More B's (like Blue Beret?)
Andy     "My Bird Performs"			"Your Bird Can Sing" (Fab 4)
Colin    "Rook"
Andy     "That Wave"

Signed with piles of smiles,



Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1992 14:36 MST
From: ELFKING <>
Subject: Dukes as Parodies....

'Chips from the Chocolate Fireball' is one of my most treasured CD's:
I would vehemently debate the comment in Chalkhills 197 that the music
on the Dukes of Stratophear releases can be qualified as a parody of
the Beatles, or of anyone else.  I think that Andy and the boys are
well aware of the influence that late '60s psychadelia or rock 'n'
roll has upon their music.  As far as I am concerned, the Dukes
material is put forth as a tribute, as well as to poke fun at
themselves. (Look at 'Language In Our Lungs' off of Black Sea!)

Open for discussion
Ready for debate
Perhaps I have a concussion
Or, maybe I simply a reprobate.

Hey--I'm an american--what do I know?
Erin Michael


Date: Fri, 7 Feb 92 16:41:22 PST
From: (Karen Schipper)
Subject: XTC Tribute Tape

Well you obviously have good taste, but what kind of talent
do you have?  If it's musical, you can share it with the
rest of us Chalkhillians by contributing to the XTC Tribute Tape!
Or, if you tend toward the 2-dimensional, you can contribute cover
graphics. If you've been blessed with the elusive "title
naming" gene, then submit any ideas on what we might call this
collective work.


			XTC Tribute Tape

      Cassette {Use a high-quality chrome (eg - Maxell XLII-S, TDK SA-X, etc.)
              or metal cassette, with Dolby B or C noise reduction.  Make sure
              to indicate "Dolby B" or "Dolby C" on the cassette label!]
      DAT (Digital Audio Tape)

	If a cassette,  please put the song(s) you want included  at the
	very beginning so we don't have to hunt for the right song.
	Indicate all pertinent info along with submission, such as track
	number(s), SONG LENGTH!!!, type of noise reduction, who you are,
	who the band is, what the song names are, anything else you can
	think of that I didn't, etc.  Please include your email address and
	phone in case I need to get ahold of you, and so I can confirm receipt.

	Return Postage!  Either a SASE, or $1.00 -= if you want your tape back.

Ordering Info:
	I'd like to get an idea of how many tapes we'll need to copy.
	Send me email right now if you'll be interested in a
        covers tape for about $4.  Actual prices and when to send
        your order in will appear sonn after the deadline.

	send your submissions, orders, and random artwork to...

	Karen Schipper			karen.schipper@Corp.Sun.COM
	876 Gallatin #3			(415)336-1965
	Santa Clara, CA  95051

	[ Yes, I know a number of people have volunteered to do this,
	  but Karen seems to be the most organized, so let's GO FOR IT! ]


Date: 08 Feb 92 18:34:33 EST
From: Steve Levenstein <>
Subject: XTC: Big in Japan

Well, folks, it's getting closer to Nonesuch's release date and
I've not heard of any further delays... (Knock on wood).
   My wife, Maya, receives a music magazine from Japan called
"Music Magazine" (g). The newest issue had an article on the
history of "sampling" and it's origins in DUB music of the
early 1980's. The re-reviewed a few "dub" albums which were
the most influencial, including Mr.Partridge's "Take Away".
The reviewer described it as a "work of genius"(!).
   Maya has said to me many times that XTC must go to Japan,
if not to actually tour then just to "appear" and do radio
spots and promotions. Their music has been used for TV
commercials in Japan, and most current Japanese artists
count XTC as a MAJOR influence. When "The Lilac Time"'s
album "And Love for All" was released, the record store
promo posters had "Produced by Andy Partridge" in bigger
letters than "The Lilac Time"!

   Re: The Good Ship NONSUCH, I went to the local library
to check out this bit of Canadian History.
 It seems that in 1668, two English ships (The Nonsuch and
the Eaglet) set sail to the New World to find the famed
"Northwest Passage" and to do some trading with the natives.
   The Eaglet broke a mast and limped home to England, but
the Nonsuch pressed on. Although they didn't find a new
route to the Indies, the Nonsuch did return to England the
next year loaded down with furs. The King was impressed!
He set up the "Hudson's Bay Company" in 1670, got his
nephew Prince Rupert (Rip van Rupert?) to run it, and gave
it one-seventh of the world's land area in which to operate.
   Nice goin' Nonsuch! (They weren't the greatest spellers
way back in the 17th century, i guess). And while "Nonesuch"
isn't such a spectacular title for an album, it's better
than "Eaglet", at least. That's all for today, students.

   Last and least, I heard a song the other day which sounded
remarkably like XTC. It's called "House of Gold" by a
New York City band called "Urban Blight". The lead vocalist
is an Andy sound-a-like, and the tune reminds me of a cross
between "Gold" and "Generals & Majors". Anyone heard of it?

---> Steve


From: Scott <>
Date:     Mon, 10 Feb 92 12:49:08 EST
Subject:  Urg (??) a music war

Years ago, (around 10), I remember a live music compilation video
called, (I think), "Urg - a music war".  In it were featured many great
bands such as Gang of Four, the Butthole Surfers, the Models, the Police
and, of course, XTC.  It was really a lot of fun seeing, a somewhat thin,
Andy Partridge *thrashing* out "Respectable Street".  But neatest thing
on the tape was when XTC joined the Police on stage to do, (I think)
"Message in a bottle."  I don't recall if Andy or Colin were playing.  In
fact, I don't really remember seeing Dave Gregory.  But I do remember
Terry Chambers playing on, (more like beating the seeds out of), Stewart
Copeland's floor tom!  Great Fun!

This tape would have been the most coveted tape of my video collection
had I not accidently taped over it!  Damn!  That'll teach me to not fill
in those little tape labels!

Since then I have been searching high and low for this tape.  Does anyone
have it or know where I could get a copy!  Again, it's been a long while
since I have seen it and I'm sure that it's even called "Urg - a music war".
I am quite certain, however, that the title ends in "... a music war".

Any leads would greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Scott

	[ It's "Urgh! - A Music War" and our local Blockbuster Video
	  has it available for rental.  -- John ]


Welcome, Brad Crafton.

For all administrative issues, such as change of address,
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All views expressed in Chalkhills are those of the
individual contributors only.  Theoretically speaking, of course.

Go back to Volume 1.

10 February 1992 / Feedback