Born: Swindon, Wiltshire, August 17th.
Instrument played: Bass guitar.
Mother. Father. My wife. My children.
My guitar tutor (minimal). Alcohol.
Touring foreign countries. Virgin Records.
The other three members of the group.
Barry Andrews. The Beatles. The Rolling
Stones. The Kinks. Taste. New York Dolls.
Lots of acid bands of the late sixties.
L.S.D. Dope. Living on a council estate
for 11 years. The Sex Pistols. Musical trends.
Sex. My house. George Orwell. My books.
Listing to the radio. Television.
Documentaries. School parties. Teenage
hops. Cycling. Writing songs. My brother.
Women in Love (the film). London.
Motorways. Living in a small town.
Welsh Working Mens Clubs. Never having
much money. Always working outdoors.
Flying. Being quiet. Being a 'nervy' type.
Coronation Street. Wednesday plays.
H.P. Sauce. White sliced bread. Butlins.
The seaside. College dances. Good bass
players. Good songwriters.

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