Andy Partridge Explains

XTC were invited to play at the CASBY awards show in Toronto in 1987. Andy explains...

Andy Partridge - XTC

Dear everyone,
     I feel I should write a few lines in an attempt to set straight the record here. In a recent newspaper article I did a light hearted interview about the CASBY awards. Much to my disgust, 95% of what I said was either misquoted/chopped up/taken out of context and used by this empty headed reporter in attempt to make an article for himself out of nothing. So, without more waffle I want to tell you some truths - we (XTC) wan't be performing at the CASBY show along with everyone else because in 1982 we took the decision to stop live performance (simple). But we do wish to support the CASBY principle and are pre-recording our slot with their cooperation. Truth 2, I don't enjoy the penguin suit circus of most awards ceremonies, so I don't do them (CASBY does not appear to fall into the above category!). This negative smart assed attitude the paper appears to give us in relation to good Canadian music is lies. Truth 3, support CASBY, support good sounds. It's all for you!
     Thanks for your time.

(signed) Andy Partridge

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[Thanks to Wes Long]